Will the Horde revert to evil again?

It’s just really hard to describe how pissed I get and I see trolly nonsense like that. But that’s merely my opinion.

And that’s part of what scares me with some of them.


I agree that some of them are more than a bit zealus. But that is still a thousand thousand times better than someone who only seeks to make other people angry.

Many of them routinely express a desire to make Horde players (the people themselves, mind you) suffer. A bit of trolling can be brushed aside, but that borders on threatening behavior that needs to be reported. Many of the NEFPA’s are a legitimate issue that need to be seriously addressed by forum moderators.


That’s not my point if you’ll read what I responded to.

Reading that coming from a low level Posting Alt, with less than 20 posts, and less than 50 achievement points… I would say the feeling is mutual.

Low level posting Alts are usually the first to start the personal attacks. Such as yourself. If Blizz didn’t allow posters below level 30, or required 500 achievement points to post here, there would be much less Trolling and personal attacks on the Forums, imo.

That is your uninformed opinion of me. The Posters I don’t like are Posters such as yourself. I don’t even know if you can be called a Player, with only 30 or so achievement points.

As far as Players… I sometimes have common ground and polite conversation with Human Paladin Players and Night Elf Druid Players, and I sometimes argue with Blood Elf Players.

If your major complaint is that you feel I am not genuine… I assure you, I am quite sincere.

I don’t post things just to anger people. It is how I feel. If you are angered by my opinion, that is another matter. Causing anger is not what drives me. Expressing my opinion was my intention. Whether someone who reads it agrees with me or is angered or however they feel is their reaction.

Because they see the people who couldn’t care less about how Alliance players experience the game, and who thinks the best thing in the world is the Horde stomping on the Alliance. I have met those people, not on this forum but elsewhere. I agree that they should realize that not everyone is like that, and that ultimately they care much more about the story than blizzard ever did. Still better than someone who posts just to make people miserable.

By your logic, it’s the night elve’s fault they lost their home. They shouldn’t have built it in a tree in case the tree caught fire.


You do realize that i’m from Eu right? I wish I could post on my main, but this is the best I can do.

And I im genuinly asking when I say this, why do you intentinally try to pis off other players with comments like the one I replied to?

I was going to say that the Kaldorei shouldn’t have built their capital in what amounted to a giant tiderbox just waiting to go up…but I didn’t want to bring out the crazies :gift_heart:


To be fair, the only one that seems pissed off by that comment is you…


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He doesn’t. And it’s not his problem that you’re easily triggered by the OPINIONS he posts.


If you read my post, you would see I answered. I will repost it:

I can tell what intentions people have when posting. It wasn’t exactly to further the discussion.

It seems that it was just YOU who was looking for a reason to pick a fight with someone.

And i’m not allowed to all him out for trying to piss people off? And yes, talking about unjustified Alliance agression is quite disingenous since afte bfa it’s about as likely to happen as the jailer giving out presents at winters veil.

The reason I despise Cursewords is from what I can tell, he wouldn’t care if the Alliance was literally removed from the game. He doesn’t care an iota how the other side of the fence feels. Not an ounce. But maybe i’m wrong, and he’s not like the other people i’ve had the misfortune to meet on other wow forums.

Are people not allowed to call you out for making assumptions?


Course they are. I’m just allergic to people like Cursewords.

I suppose if you go back to the EU forums you won’t have any issues than. :man_shrugging:


Can’t. They’re basically dead. Only a few people still post there, erevien among them. Better to jump ship, even if I have to read the drivel that Cursewords post.