Will the Horde revert to evil again?

Geez, next he’ll be accusing the Horde of preventing McDonald’s from selling the McRib anymore because Saurfang stopped eating pork.


Hey the horde is directly responsible for bacon being expensive because they stopped eating pork thus decreasing the demands!!!11 DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH DAMAGE THE BACON PRICE GOUGING HAS DONE TO THE ALLIANCE!?! NAY TO THE WORLD!!!


Steve Danuser more or less admitted this in the lore interview of January 2019 (the one that everyone was hoping would be a Q&A but that turned out not to be).

“When you look back at things with Garrosh, the result of that didn’t really clean up some stuff. But it didn’t really fundamentally made Horde look at themselves and question themselves. So with Battle for Azeroth, let’s look at those things.”

There was a thread discussing it at the time:


I hope not I am sick of blizz doing this

God I want Danuser to just go somewhere else. Not only is he wrong about the aftermath of Garrosh, but it’s hardly justification to spend two years in old ideas and themes.

People like to throw a lot of shade at Golden (largely for her Anduin-like influence), but considering when she took her current position I often wonder just how much of this train wreck of a story in BfA was the work of the “Lead Narrative Designer” Danuser?

With his weird self-insert level fascination with Sylvanas, and his weirdness about the Horde being “self reflective” (even though we are now once again following up the Faction’s villain bat expansion with another “escape from consequences” expansion with a very minimal Horde cast) … I can’t shake this feeling that he may be one of those “Horde Fans” who only ever really like Sylvanas.

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Two things can be true at once. They can both suck.


True. And I think its possible that is the case. But considering when when she got her current position, and her type of suck, I generally don’t think that Golden would have had much in the way of control of the overall meta-narrative of BfA. For example, I seem to recall that while she is responsible for Calia being in her current position, Blizz had intended to make a character out of thin air for such a role and all she really did was put weight behind Mom Menethil.

That being said, her touch is riddled throughout the dialogue of most of the BfA ingame engine cutscenes. Which I suppose were developed later on.

I guess I can’t prove that they get her opinions and insight on the story development. By the time she had a few books for the franchise under her belt, though, I think their intent to keep her in the loop was clear. Not the final say, but a heavy hand. Just my hunch.

Personally, I think that Light Zombie Calia is worse than Light Zombie Nobody. Not that Light Zombie Nobody would have been great, but at least it wouldn’t create all the weirdness about the supposed “rightful heir” of Lordaeron who somehow just now decided (after decades of hiding) that she cares sooooo very much about “her people.”


I’m sure it will take about 15 min until someone listens to the voices in there head and that justifies a geocide.

“When we met with Alliance leadership for tea to talk about the current armistice, they did not offer those little cucumber sandwiches and ran out of clotted cream to go with the scones, leaving many of us with hard dry crumbly biscuits! MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE HORDE, WILL WE LET THIS ALLIANCE INSULT STAND!? NO!! NEVER!! DEATH TO THE ALLIANCE!!”


The main downside to removing Gallywix was they replaced him with Gazlowe (who should have stayed in his nuanced “neutral” position), and they had Thrall decide who should lead the cartel… again.
They also deprived the Goblin player character of getting to kill him.

I’m honestly hoping that the NEs find out that the Steamwheedle helped fund the Horde war effort under the table and take out their rage against Everlook. Thus, with grim economic prospects left for neutrality for the Kalimdor Horde Gazlowe neatly “corporate mergers” the remaining Kalimdor Steamwheedle holdings. Hey, its just business, and at least for the Gobs still on the Kali continent their economic prospects with the Alliance races are grim if ever the truth should be found out.

Thus starting what I’d like to call … the next Great Cartel War. With Gallywix getting to be one of our bosses of that content patch.

There’s nothing questionable about it, she tried to enslave Eyir, which was already evil in and of itself but especially disastrous during the Legion Invasion.

Genn was justified because Sylvanas tried to enslave an ally with our war with the Legion, end of discussion.

They didn’t handwave it, the most up to date lore is that the Horde forces attacked first.

Then blame them.

Still the alliances fault for putting them in that position to begin with.


Alliance didn’t put them in that position, if the Horde built a valid military target(Baine’s words) near a Quilboar camp that wanted them dead and they had no where else to go if they were forced out that’s their fault.

I’ll repeat myself, since you still don’t understand, it’s still the alliances fault for putting the tauren in that position to begin with. But I know your type, you’ll justify just about anything the alliance does to the horde.


And again the Alliance didn’t put them in that position. They didn’t choose where they built their camp.

The “valid military target” thing was a concession statement to avoid escalating a war, not that Camp Taurajo itself was a base for military. He was referring to the alliance’s decision to attack it being acceptable.