Will TBC be min/maxed in the same fashion as classic?

It seems to me there’s less information about TBC out there compared to vanilla, so I’m inclined to say no. Thoughts?

Itll be just as bad. The info is still out there that the min-maxers need to do their calculations, it just hasnt been done yet, but it wont take them long.


Absolutely yes, it’ll be just as bad. No question.


Oh, I’m sure it will be. There were online guides available back then that talked about Best in Slot. I think MaxDPS dot com existed back then, and it had a nice ranking of which items were best for your build. You could even make a template of your character and it’d do calculations for you based on your gear, talents, racials and item enhancements.

The min/max thing is kind of a cultural phenomenon that doesn’t seem like it’ll go away. I think it may be fair to assume that some people haven’t played a game where this wasn’t the way things were done.


yea all mmo players min/max as much as they can.


It will be even worse.


There have been many pserver iterations of tbc already, it’s been solved. Of course it will be min maxed. The good thing though is that tbc has many avenues of gearing (and a causal honor grind), so it makes the process more interesting


TBC is when I actually started to min/max my character. I spent hours on elitestjerk forums reading up on different spec variations and what gem slots I should fill with what so I could squeeze the most out of my DPS.


Id agree 100% with this. TBC added a lot more viable specs for classes.

TBC was minmaxed even when it first came out. I remember looking up the exact amount of armor pen I would need to reduce boss armor to 0.

We just understood how the game worked more than we did in classic.


You’re kind of naive, aren’t you?


Of course it will. It just won’t start with the only content being a raid where, when it was current content, half the mechanics in the game were broken.

So people will roflstomp it twice as fast as they did then, rather than 5 times as fast.

There’s better known and understood data, more players who did the raids, a site that data-mines tremendous amounts, and players who want to min/max. It will be ‘worse’.

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The min-max meta is a gaming phenomenon that crosses the spectrum of gaming.

Hard to say when it came about but it’s been a thing for some time and as mentioned above some gamers (especially younger ones) only know gaming through this meta.

Think about things like GDQ, even though record times were always a thing, the concept has evolved to the point where most gamers want to “play the most optimal way”…

So yeah, BC will be min-maxed in the same way. Everybody will know quickly what their BIS gear is in each phase and what they need to grind to get it…


Min-maxing has been part of the game for all of WoW’s history. From early Vanilla through today and every expansion in-between.

In my experience, the time that had the least min-maxing was very early in Vanilla when many people still didn’t know what they were doing. by the time we got halfway through MC, just about every level 60 player was min-maxing.

And in TBC, players were more experienced. The min-maxing started right away.


It will be even worse.

Horde get Bloodelves which have the best paladins and a great pvp/pve racial.

Horde also still retain the best shamans, racial wise.

Alliance get nothing out of TBC so all the min/maxing and faction imbalance will be far, far worse.


Yes, it will be min/maxed the same as Classic. It’s a solved game thanks to years and years of private servers. And once all the info is known, most people will gravitate towards what works best. It’s just human nature.

Glad to see you’re not interested in a productive discussion and only want to be a clown. It’s okay, your mom thinks you’re just super.

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Where did you get that we have less info on tbc?
I can still find BiS lists for every patch

If you’re a mage, worry. 25 man roster, only need one for int buff as destrolocks are superior to mages in every way.

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