Will Keyrings be coming with Phase 2?

Your opinion is noted but invalidated by the fact you’ve posted it with a level 120 character. You are the customer who has accepted every single thing coming from this company the last ten years, no matter how bad.

We just like to complain, you just like to be content with nothing.

actually they plan ahead knowing they are gonna get banned they dont just get in as soon as they make a new account. Just cause they spam doesnt mean they cant plan ahead.

So adding world bosses and the entire pvp honour system isn’t a patch- keyrings need a patch to themselves?

This is starting to get farcical.


Wait, are phases not considered patches? I’m now assuming they aren’t, which leads to me ask. What exactly does a patch entail in Classic? It’s a finished game so the phases are the gate keepers for content. Are we getting extra/more content? What exactly is the difference between a patch and a phase in regards to Classic?


It makes sense on world bosses. Kazzak and Azuregos are already in our client files, they literally just need to flip the spawn switch on on them. Honor system on the other hand…

I guess the honour system is less of a patch-worthy deal than some of their other patches- like the time we got a patch for the selfie camera.

"Correct. We’re able to turn on content such as Dire Maul or World Bosses without having to change the game client and require downtime the way a patch does.

Sorry for the confusion."

There is another blue post in the thread quoted above as an explanation of the difference. Still seems a bit fishy, as they have actually already done few stealth patches to the game without any public patch notes.


High iq right here

You should make him CEO


Heh, hope you didn’t throw away the Scarlet Key :smiley:
Need that to open up the Scarlet Keep in Stratholme.

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Great news!

Why is turning on honor system and adding the associated honor tab not the same mechanism as adding a key ring.

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The Keyring is server side. Ofcourse it has to be patched in.

Ya know, for all ya’ll that are complaining SO HARD:

They rebuilt this thing out of decade+ old code, created a port over to the current engine, modded the HELL out of it, and were able to re-open this game with much the same state as it had. Not perfect, but probably about as good as was possible, considering the archives PROBABLY didn’t keep track of discarded and updated code and builds. Flipping a switch to enable something on their side to show up for us? Yeah, easy. You hit on the “on” button. Re-enabling a MECHANIC not present in the current system? Gonna require a bit more. But NOOOOOOOOOOO, the pedantic little whiner babies just HAVE to have their extra 4 bag slots, because let’s face it that’s about all the keys you routinely carry at 60. MAYBE 5. I’d trade keyring for Battlegrounds in a heartbeat. Half the stuff people complain about on these forums aren’t bugs, or are their own fault, or, even more fun, their own crap biting their butt in a way Retail doesn’t.

Get over it. Put in the work, earn your way up, learn some patience. Just because you were 12 when you played in 2004 doesn’t entitle you to act 12 now.

Time for the keyring, we’re already on the last vanilla patch anyways, people want it.

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no. this is their literal job, this isn’t some tiny indie company with 3 employees and a shoestring budget. NO SLACK GIVEN.


take it easy little fella, it’s a keyring…

and the game is for enjoyment. I got enjoyment out of the game on all my characters, even the classic characters I made…even though I stopped playing wow and am currently enjoying something else.

And you will be here whining, while I go on enjoying the games i play.

Don’t listen to these retail kids.

Key chains are for people who don’t want the real Vanilla struggle.

If i remember Key chain came in BC?

Waaaaaaaaaaah. Like I said, most of their old code probably got discarded and they had to rebuild it. Do you have any earthly idea how complex that is for a 15 year old game running on modern hardware through a ported engine? Yeah. Go whine some more, child. Maybe mommy will care, but dad doesn’t.

Keyring was in patch 1.11, and we are playing on 1.12.

Before basing your entire insult to people for no reason, you really should use a search engine. It makes you look really bad.


Nahh, I remember BC having the Key ring, and my limited experience with Vanilla, not having the Key ring.

My bad, but this is my experience I was referring from, I’m fine with my decision to call people out on it if it was MY truth.

It wasn’t, so be it! ty sir for the new information.