Will Guild Bank be a cash shop item?

I know it seems weird and counter-intuitive… but I’m confused about why some elements of the guild bank system seem to be in beta but aren’t turned on.

Do you think Blizzard is planning on selling guild items as a revenue stream?

It’s my understanding that guild banks will be there, just not at launch.

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While Blizzard does squeeze its player base for money at any chance they get its usually with services to help solve problems they create. They wont make it so a feature that was apart of the game is gated behind a paywall.

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Hey, I’ve got an idea! We all want to attack Blizzard, right? So let’s imagine them doing some stuff they have no plans to do…then blame them for that too!

They aren’t ready, simple as can be. They need to beat out elder scrolls and the ashes of creation non-nda alpha and not interfere with the shadow lands patch. That is why it is being released now and anything that isn’t ready will come later. There is nothing nefarious about it. They made a business decision that will end up benefitting those of us playing it as well as their bottom line.


No. They will not and cannot sell guild banks for real money. They are working on getting them to us as soon as they can. This may be a technical limitation similar to how the key ring was delayed due to technical issues at the start of classic.

Nice strawman.

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