Will Dungeon Meeting Stones adopt the Summoning functionality?

Because a chat channel can’t be enabled by default?

A user created one can’t.

And if Blizzard did come down and reenable the LFG channel, even better. But either way it removes the need for the equivalent of Tinder in WoW.

So at a minimum the LFG channel should be back. But when it comes to putting all that into a UI, they’re not necessarily going to disable addons from trying. They might, but they also might not. They NEVER said that user addons to replicate the current group finder are definitely going to be shut down. The only thing they said is exactly what I posted.

I do wonder if blizzard will do the whole innkeeper thing again

They specifically said they would be more rigourous about disabling addons that attempt to recreate later features of the game, like Item Level and LFD.

You have a quote?

Except the Dungeon Finder they were talking about was the WotLK version that exists to this day. The one that autoforms the group and teleports you to the instance.

No (legal) addon can teleport you. It can help form groups, but for the rest of it, you’re on your own.

Do you have a source for this, because until they even hint otherwise I’ll stick with my original assertion.

Blizzcon 2018 Classic Panel


On the other end of the spectrum though, there’s stuff that’s been added to the UI API since then, that allows for the creation of addons that communicate with each other and can be used to create social networks within the game.

We’re actually kind of suspicious of these and skeptical about the possibility of addons reproducing some of the functionality that we deliberately removed from Classic that we feel could be harmful to the authentic experience. And we know that once its out there saying “Just don’t use it if you don’t want it” isn’t good enough, because it will start to become part of the fabric.

And so, we may be restricting some of those new things as well. We’re likely going to find some middle ground that combines the old and the new here, with a goal towards making sure that the vast majority of addons people know and expect, function with the goal of authentic experience.

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They NEVER said Arthas won’t be in Elwynn forest shooting down Gryphons, or that KelThuzad wouldn’t be roaming around Stormwind one shooting guards either.

Guess what? They’re not going to be in the game (as I stated above)

It was in the game in 1.12 so it should be in the game in Classic.

And possibly just as broken. Which is part of the discussion here, whether or not they’d fix what made it broken. IE creating 5 man dungeon groups consisting entirely of Rogues.

Literally my quote that started this whole thing, when BLIZZARD said that addons that can affect the social aspect of the game will be able to be made with the current API and that they’re looking for a middle ground.

Wait, you mean that quote about the “middle ground” was cherry picked and not really relevant?


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You act like that’s a bad thing. Five rogues walk into the ironforge inkeeper jokes are the bomb.

Your quote that is taken out of context? Yeah I know.

To quote his quote

“…We’re likely going to find some middle ground that combines the old and the new here…”




No, it’s just having above a 4th grade reading comprehension level.

FInd me a quote that says SPECIFICALLY that addons to form groups will be disabled.

I mean, if you want to be so selective on quotes:

"We’re actually kind of suspicious of these and skeptical about the possibility of addons reproducing some of the functionality that we deliberately removed from Classic that we feel could be harmful to the authentic experience. "

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You did see my earlier post this morning about what they’d have to do in order to disable a LFG addon? They’d have to break every single “social addon” That functioned at a level beyond say/yell/party/raid/guild.