Will Dungeon Meeting Stones adopt the Summoning functionality?

There’s your answer right there.

My understanding is that a warlock will team up with two other players and travel to the entrance of the dungeon, and the warlock will summon the rest of the team there?

Not really… considering Blizzard are already making slight changes to the game - more of a question around how the meeting stones are going to be used.

Since in Vanilla they were practically useless aside from signposting where the entrance of a dungeon was.

Considering the devs’ dedication to the project, the meeting stones will likely remain practically useless.

“Warts and all”, I’m afraid. It helps Warlocks feel all the more useful and desired. But then, they always had good DPS and utility, and could even tank some encounters. And that’s ignoring their potential in PvP.

No. Outside of being douchey to the Warlock, that just leaves you with everybody else arguing about who has to go with them, and usually ends up with the Warlock sitting outside the instance entrance alone.

Also the Warlock summoning portal, as it exists in Current-WoW, didn’t exist in Vanilla, so every summon had to be done individually, and each cost a Soul Shard.

Warlock summoning was for when people had to go back to town for some reason in the middle of an instance, or if somebody left and a replacement was necessary, or situations like that. It wasn’t for people who were too bloody lazy to go to the instance themselves.


They have been pretty clear on “patch 1.12 is our line in the sand” some things from earlier to simulate progression are being phased in over time. But no changes after that (barring the loot trading that was possible through ticket and will now be given player agency for 2 hours) are being implemented.

Will have to wait for that gem of a feature for a tbc server probably.

How many gameplay affecting changes do you see them making That weren’t made so blizzard doesn’t have to do so much work themselves?

I mean for the love of god they are bringing back spell batching.

I thought I remembered using them in classic, before portals came out with Shattrath.


:slight_smile: .

They won’t :sweat_drops:

OOH! ooh! Can I click the portal and then walk away?

Initially they had a group making feature that was essentially useless, and often matched 5 DPS in a group, because it never asked for Role. But you couldn’t use them unless you were at them. There was no city LFD option.

I wouldn’t mind a tweaked LFD that asked for roles. NO teleports though.

The single biggest problem with the LFD tool in Wrath was the cross realm part of it, IMO. The teleportation aspect(needed because it was pre-CRZ, so people from 4 different realms were going to have a hard time summoning each other) just made it that much worse.

I wouldn’t mind either. Though it wouldn’t be Vanilla, so shouldn’t be in Classic.

There was an interview that explained that in Wrath. Laughably, they chose to do CRZ because they didn’t think it would be utilised enough on a given server to justify its usefulness, after the failure of the first Dungeon matching tool.

That’s one of those “give me a break” moments from my standpoint.

The function existed. The implementation was already there, it was simply missing about 6 to 8 lines of code and three pieces of artwork on the UI side(3 of those lines of code would be invoking the artwork), and maybe another 10 lines of code, if that, on Server-side.

But then, I guess Slippery Slope types would point out a lot of Class Balance changes wouldn’t even necessarily require a code change, they’d just need to change 1 field in their database and it’s done.

Flip-side however is realistically, the LFG capability I’m talking about can, and probably will, be replicated in an addon, it’s just a question of players deciding on if they’re willing to use it or not. And in that vein, much like with Mail Batching in Vanilla, they might decide to go ahead and make that tweak to the (known to be broken) game system.

It was essentially never used, so saying “It was there” is no more accurate than saying that Hyjal “was there”.

And as they said in the 2018 Blizzcon panel, they don’t want to introduce anything that would affect the community even if it “seems” positive.

They’ve also said that they’re not opposed to introducing things into the base game client “if it can be easily reproduced with an in-game addon.”

So it becomes a question of how they view the possible impact of an “official group finder” that isn’t horribly broken.

Given people’s immediate reaction to saying “LFG”, I doubt that they will just on that.

Blizzard may very well “break” those group finding add-ons.

They have stated that add-ons that replicate social functions added later (after vanilla) may (or would likely) be prevented from working. Those looking for group add-ons certainly seem to me to replicate a social function added after vanilla.

It remains to be seen how far Blizzard plans to go with “breaking” add-ons that replicate later added social functions.