What’s the point of reseting keys but not key fragments?
I think it makes it worse, without season its keeps the entire expansion current, as you run your alts and friends through the older raids to gear up for the current raid instead of throwing everything out and resetting and the current stuff.
Blizzard has stopped doing that since Wrath. Few people wants to run old raids to gear others up - and even the most patient will get sick of it when the people they gear up leave for a supposedly better guild.
Me too. I’d then finally be able to gear all alts at my slower pace and do some older content, but the game is designed for the low attention span players with at most 2 alts.
So, they either do that or the game “dies”.
My current plan is to only really play S1 and the last (which is now fated/remix).
Everything else is a “waste of time”.
Seasons have always been there though, just not explicitly named like that.
The “new” stuff is basically the non-raid ilvl catch ups from dungeons, pvp and now delves.
Honestly, I think that just hasn’t been addressed yet. I doubt they’ll touch the Radiant Echoes. But I have a feeling Key fragments will poof.
Old raids have always been pretty defunct after new ones released. That’s been a thing since BC.
Yeah, i know, it was a much better system and more enjoyable, the current player base is much different, I dont like the hey now all your stuff is crap start over again.
Does keys include the ones for the delves?
Those are the Keys we’re talking about, yes.
Ugh. Was hoping it was the mythic ones.
Damn. I have a ton of them.
I dunno, the rewards are unlocked by the season progress though so maybe they won’t be reset since we’ll have to earn back the right to buy anything with them anyways?
I hope so, I’m still saving for that 10k pet
With everyone cleaning out their currencies in the days ahead, you might be better off just buying a pet from the AH and maybe using your coins to buy the 500 coin baggies, those mats always sell really well, and every time i have checked, 10k worth of coins converts into more gold than the pets ever fetch on the AH.
Also, any season 1 gear that hasn’t been fully upgraded will be frozen at its current level, since crests and valorstones appear to be changing to season 2 variants.
(from PTR experience)
I don’t know about that. Poaching was a real problem from what I heard. A guild who has Tier X on farm recruits a new guy, train him and gear him up, then the guy if he isn’t completely trash when is fully geared gets poached by another guild who has Tier X+1 on farm. Rinse and repeat.
End result is the lower tier guilds make progress very slowly as their investments are appropriated by higher tier guilds to maintain their ranks.
Well, that’s the way it is every expansion no?
Probably not the crystals, seeing as you need around 75,000 to buy all the mounts that cost that resource.
I think this is more due to itemization changes, like if we were to compare vanilla/tbc raiding to modern raiding, the ilvl/power jump between tiers was smaller than the jump between seasons, and you would get items that would be relevant for multiple tiers, which seems to almost never happen now. Also a lot more loot drops happen in general now
Are the S1 crests actually going away? As far as I know they’ll still exist and drop from Nerub’ar? That may be wrong though, I didn’t play DF
They go away completely.
That does seem kind of lame then, because the loot system from that season isn’t complete without them, and it further reinforces the obsolescence of that content, until Blizzard sees fit to resurrect it under some inevitably poorly balanced time traveling metaphor
They reset in DF, so it’s looking like that will continue to be the case. I imagine that they might reset into gold so it’s not a complete loss.
Spend it on the reagent bag and sell it on the ah