Except that isn’t how it happened, Bone. It was a hundred tiny decisions, decisions people thought were a good idea at the time, which slowly shifted course and changed the way the game was played.
People had trouble finding groups for dungeons, meaning a lot of people may have gotten to max level and only done one or two dungeons the whole time unless they were in a guild that did guild runs. So they introduced LFD, and people were like, “Awesome, now I can experience this content without as much of the hassle!”
In Cataclysm, they did the same for raids, because more people getting to see the content is good, right? It was only later that we saw how that led to the breakdown in the communities.
10 and 25 man raids were put in because it was damn hard to find a group of 40 who could all do a raid. Because they wanted to get more people into the content. Because people had been complaining that they never got to see the content. And for most of the players, this was good. They weren’t hardcore raiders, after all, so they didn’t see how this affected people on the bleeding edge. They didn’t realize until later how it trickled down and harmed the experience.
There are many more examples. They weren’t conscious decisions to destroy the game, they were decisions made at the height of the game’s popularity, with the idea of making things more open. And the game remained popular for years because, hey, people like experiencing content.
And then, suddenly, an expansion came where the cut was just a little too deep, and a feature that people had come to expect and rely on was taken away, before being added back in only after you did a two-part achievement that included some of the most odious rep grinds and fetch achievements in the game. And the classes had been ‘streamlined’ to such a degree that things were practically the same. And suddenly, people realized how far things had come.
And yet, Legion proved that Blizzard could make good content. The artifact weapons and the mage towers were grindy, sure, but they were fun. People were legitimately hopeful when BFA started, despite the fact that our artifacts were getting taken away. But Blizzard tried to double down on systems that were in place, rather than either doing something new or returning to the way things were. They tried to play it safe. And that is how we got to where we are now.