This whole post is cap.
Why are you bringing PVE into PVP? They hit NPCs in dungeons etc. That is the Blizzard problem. PVP should have nothing to do with PVE in any shape or form. I get your being sarcastic but honestly keep on the subject of PVP.
PVE players donât like going into battlegrounds to collect gear, mats, or recipes. Blizzard tried that and it was not popular. Even the kid week quest was changed to stop going into PVP.
Has Ion got to you or something?
Not seen a new Battleground map since what expansion? I agree they do a lot, but itâs not keeping players interest for some reason.
If anything there has been too much tweaking of classes, I believe the problem is they canât balance very well.
People invest time into their class and if it gets nerfed into the ground, they are done. Itâs the nature of MMOs I get it. Still think we are playing DF Beta in a lot of ways.
They said pvp gets no new content
The tweaking incessantly is the result of poor execution of the classes/specs in general. Thereâs just way too much stuff going on now to ever keep all the plates in the air spinning at the same time. Because weâve essentially gone to a no-class-identity model and everyone has everything (self-healing, sustain, burst, shields, Stuns, slows, roots, disorients, as well as passive versions of CC/healing/shield etc), now everything has to be somehow balanced and itâs just impossible.
I mean look at it realistically; there are now 13 classes and⌠38? specs. Each spec has what, 20 different talents, a dozen base skills and 3 PVP talents as well as gear interactions (trinkets, set bonuses, tiers, enchants, etc). We are talking thousands of potential match-ups that all need to be level-set to be acceptable and interact with each other seamlessly and instantly while keeping it fun for everyone involved.
Itâs just way too much stuff. Sure, there are some more systemic issues most people agree on - micro-CC and passive CC feel terrible, mobility feels out of control, everyone can heal too much and burst is just crazy all-around - and some specs feel consistently bad to play against (since this is BG forum, MM hunters are a fairly consistent plague in randoms, Frost Mages, Locks, Ret Pallies, etc), but really the game has just been built into a Frankenstein monster of half-baked ideas dragged from old content and borrowed power awfulness designed to make the player have fun and make it miserable for the recipient (has anyone in the history of WoW enjoyed being pulled multiple times from slappy hands? Did anyone ever cheer for being hit with early iterations of Mind Games or really praised the dev team for creating a Burst and CC in-one-button like old Lightning Lasso? Has any melee ever enjoyed playing against a frost mage with endless micro-roots?)
The problem is while the above sucks for PVP, PVE seems to be doing well. People are digging DF generally so the incentive to make sweeping changes just for PVP isnât really there.
So we are kinda stuck with bi-weekly tweaking trying to keep the 2,500 plates spinning and everyone happy. Thatâs just WoW for DF, and if itâs not for you (and itâs not for a lot of people, I would suggest that most people historically 1400-1900 in previous expansions left) then you may be stuck waiting for 11.0 and the almost certain revamp of talents/abilities/class identities.
Just my .02
Why take the time to write essays and essays on a game you donât even play
Honestly a good take on microcc/mobility though
Instant casts are also a massive issue in the game atm. Casters need them if precog wasnât in the game, but it is⌠sooâŚ
Zoom calls - it all happens during zoom calls. Plus itâs only 400 words; thatâs like 5 minutes of effort tops.
Plus I will have you know I have been happily getting smashed multiple times this week!
It has⌠been rough. I honestly think horde is in a bad spot right now pre-mades or not. Just too much exodus making a power creep to the blue. Still, we carry onwards.
Youâre doing almost no damage
Pull your own weight man
Now youâre just being hurtful - I am leading those losses! I actually find random BG dmg to be much lower than rated - there arenât really a lot of big team fights and everyone generally dies quickly. I think if youâre getting 5-6 KBs per random youâre in a pretty good spot - especially when youâre getting obliterated and your team is dying near-instantly. Most of those are 5-6 minute matches, a lot of feast/famine going on.
Dude youâre complaining about losing bgs when ur doing 5 mil damage
My healer does more than 5 mil damage
Youâre skipping steps. Trying to lead before you understand the basics of your class. ALWAYS, learn how to do damage before you do anything else
Precog imo is just a bandaid on a further issue. Precog should be gone, and kicks/micro CC and melee uptime should be reduced so casters can actually get a cast off rather than just be forced to fake kicks every X amount of seconds for a 4 second casting window.
Now yes, you could argue skill issue, and thatâs partially true because of faking kicks. But I still stand to my opinion, and several high rated players have stated the same.
You say heâs complaining about doing 5m dmg, but look at what we did to some BGs last night. maybe they got completely camped and couldnât do bs anything at all? Reflex doesnât show that. just shows the duration and amount of damage/healing you did.
Looking at his HKs from those BGs, they were low, also pointing to his team getting camped and/or dominated.
When joker and I lose joker still has top damage
When I lose on my ele I still top damage
When I lose on my hunter i still top damage
Yall are also 2200+ players.
Not everyone is that skilled and/or experienced.
Unless youâre topping meters and losing you canât blame anyone but yourself
That mentality is how I became a 2600 player
I donât blame my team. I look at myself.

Dude youâre complaining about losing bgs when ur doing 5 mil damage
My healer does more than 5 mil damage
Youâre skipping steps. Trying to lead before you understand the basics of your class. ALWAYS, learn how to do damage before you do anything else
I dunno man, you can pick apart anything if you try hard enough. Spend some time solo-queuing BGs on Horde side and maybe youâll feel different.
Hereâs a BG I just ran 2 mins ago; saw your note and wanted to double-down on my mediocrity. Main slice is KBs, side piece is total DMG.
Now I am playing my devo - so 25 yd range, on BFG. One healer on my team, hit me for⌠300k total for the entire BG - 80% of his healing was himself, a prot pally on our team and the afflock. Two other DPS total on my team - a Balance Druid and an afflock.
See I look at this and think âhey man, you did what you could - youâre habitually stuck deep because of your specâs 25 yd range, you have zero heals and they have 2 SP, 2 Destro, 2 Arms, a BDruid and a BM. The fact that your Death count isnât 20 is enoughâ.
But again, youâre welcome to pick it apart - Iâm pretty ok with sharing!

I dunno man, you can pick apart anything if you try hard enough. Spend some time solo-queuing BGs on Horde side and maybe youâll feel different.
I solo q all the time during the day

Now I am playing my devo - so 25 yd range, on BFG. One healer on my team, hit me for⌠300k total for the entire BG - 80% of his healing was himself, a prot pally on our team and the afflock. Two other DPS total on my team - a Balance Druid and an afflock.
Devo can do a lot while solo qing, saltwater, zerk, do a huge deep breath 1 shot
Youâll die 5-6 times but youâll still have 15-20 kills
Never said anything about blaming a team, thatâs more of an arena mentality, rather than a random BG mentality. But you do you.
Also, gear, new class, etc. All these are a part of the issue.
Some people are casuals, this is the BG forums, not everyone gives a rats behind about being 2200+ in RBGs, some just want to play the game in a casual manner, win or lose.

specâs 25 yd range
this is the sad truth with devoker. You pop your 1min defensive, deep breath and hope you donât get globaled.

olo-queuing BGs on Horde side and maybe youâll feel different
Bri would feel zero difference because she always runs premades. which I personally have nothing against, but running a premade with 3-5 2200+ XP players does make casuals seem slightly obselete in terms of overall performance in said BG.

Bri would feel zero difference because she always runs premades. which I personally have nothing against, but running a premade with 3-5 2200+ XP players does make casuals seem slightly obselete in terms of overall performance in said BG.
Joker and I duo q 80% of the time
We invited you and it made 3
I also solo q all the time throughout the day
You saying the only reason I win is because we have good players is proving my point. Itâs a skill issue
Okay, thatâs still 2 of the most disgusting specs/clsses in the game, along with 2 very good players on said spec.
1-2 really good players, can dominate 10 really bad ones.
Which yes, skill issue. but youâre also being an egotistical hat, and failing to see the point. Do you realize not everyone cares about rating, damage, etc, and just wants to play the game?
Also, Iâve multiple people who have seen you, and me, nor about 8 others, have ever seen you without Joker. If you solo q, must be in offline mode.