Why would you want to play a Classic forever server?

Running on an endless gear and content treadmill doesn’t sound as appealing being able to finally have an end goal. For once in WoW, I can actually say “I finished it” eventually, and have the time to enjoy it rather than merely a month or 2 before the next expansion resets everyone to zero. Kind of the same reason I hate it when single player RPG’s “game over” when you beat the main story, not allowing any post-ending free roam to finish up any loose ends.

Basically, I like to be able to go at my own pace without fear of being left behind.


Would be a great feature, if they do implement this strategy; hopefully it’s on designated servers for this sole purpose separated from others in-case people want to keep their toons

Personally I’ve been finding Classic more fun than the regular servers. I would rather they keep classic as it is and just introduce a TBC server for those that want it, if they deem it feasible to set one up.

It took a long time to get them to do this, they better not remove this now!

This! 100 times this. I enjoy WoW but it gets tiring that your time making a crafting item is going to be absolutely worthless the next expansion. Why strive for a goal if the carrot on a stick gets further from your face?

Connecting realms would be done to have a sustainable population. If many players leave for TBC, leaving the original Classic realms barren, it’s ludicrous for you to argue that maintaining dead realms for the sake of the realm community is more important than actually having a sustainable population.

Connected realm hubs would create their new community.

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Please cite where I made that argument.

Y’know, the part where you mention how important server identity is but seem oblivious to the part where server populations would not be active enough to sustain a community?

Do you really need these little logic helper posts for you rofl?

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I want classic separate. I want tbc separate. I want wotlk separate.


If you actually followed my posting at all, you would have seen me multiple times saying that whatever servers the two versions end up with should be consolidated appropriately. And no, that does not mean simply linking them together like retail.

TBC is better, but Classic forever doesn’t sound too bad. I’m sure people who wanna play phase 1-6 can do it again if they really want to. What I see alot of ppl asking for though is phase 6 forever. Now that just sounds horrible to me.

No, I don’t follow your posts but tell me why you think “connecting realms” is all that different from “consolidating appropriately”?

I don’t give a rats behind about content. If I wanted to be a cutting edge raider I’d play retail. The enjoyable part about classic for me IS leveling and much of the leveling is forever altered in TBC because they nerfed elite areas and group quests out of existence.

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I enjoyed classic, but time to move on

Ok take care. I want classic forever.

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If they are truly separate then why is the very same character on both. They are no longer separate, they are progressive.
In an progressive environment you would not find a lvl 60 and a lvl 70 version of your character at the same time.
In separate environments your current character would stop at 60, and you would need to make a new one in the new environment. This would liken more to the “museum”
blizzard noted.
If given the choice I’d prefer the games/expansions be kept separate. I really like the rush and the alive feeling of a new server.

They are SEPARATE because once that copy is made nothing you do on either version of the game has any effect on the other

Its like mass effect

If you transfer your save on mass effect 2 to mass effect 3 nothing you do on either game after the fact effects the other save file, they are connected 1 time only. You dont have to delete your mass effect 2 save file to transfer your playthrough over to mass effect 3, you can go back and play your 100% completion save file on mass effect 2 AND play your mass effect 3 using that same characters playthrough without losing anything on either version

They are not “separate” if your character continues from one to another. They are progressive.
You basically want the best of both worlds. Modeled after a different game, looks like.
I’m taking this from the original statement that classic would be a museum piece. It’s a very open statement and we can speculate on what they meant ofc. My take is that originally classic was a stand alone venture, where your character(s) would remain indefinitely. Any new venture would be separate, as in, we start from scratch.

Why NOT have the best of both worlds?

Theres literally no good reason why they SHOULDN’T do that.

You if want to start fresh in tbc you can, if others don’t want to start to scratch, they don’t have to.

Classic would still remain as a “museum” piece AND you could have the authentic TBC experience of progressing your vanilla character into TBC

Its a win/win

We really don’t know any of this yet. Sure, I’d love options. I’d love to have fresh vanilla and fresh BC option. But realistically how many types of servers do they want to manage. How much data do they want to keep stored?
It all boils down to profits and cost effectiveness for them.
I’m eager to hear what it’s going to be.

A lot of people are anticipating an expansion, like they do every time. Having word from Blizzard would probably help a lot.
I’m planning on playing BC, but I also want to keep classic vanilla, vanilla. Being able to play both will be nice.