Regarding Strength vs agility…
In my understanding this is largely a measure of Strength relative to body mass. There are other factors such as the types of muscle tissue the person’s genetics favors as well as leverage, but I doubt most writers consider these factors…
So Worgen could well be the strongest race in the alliance and be agile given their comparatively smaller body mass.
Night Elves are probably even more agile given their generally slender and athletic builds.
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Varian went through a ton of crap in his life starting from when he was Baby Anduin’s age. Onyxia and the Defias put him through hell split him into two people and sell one of his halve to the Gorubashi Arena to die as a gladiator. So one might consider the context.
Huh, so he was the prototype for that story element.
We ever learn this in game?
Comic book, if I recall correctly. But it’s refernced ingame as in the name he was given by the Horde slavemasters Lo’Gosh.
I knew about this part, I will spare you how much I hate the inclusion of slavery in this game especially how it’s presented, not that he’d been split in two.
I’ve got thoughts on how much his background matters in the context of what he did, but I’m having trouble articulating them.
I’m pretty sure the comic was written long before the worgen were ever seriously considered as a race.
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It is interesting though, in wolfheart they made Varian go trough the same ritual worgen players do to control their wolf side for good.
Is basically what allowed Genn and Varian to bond, as they kinda hated each other before.
Which was honestly the first time I started to feel disillusioned with Warcraft.
They literally magic’d away all of Varian’s character flaws within a single page. It doesn’t get lazier than that.
How about the Drust? They’re a different group of zealots.
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Would they be fun to kill too? (something tells me you won’t answer this
, prove me wrong)
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They were and they are when they show up.
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Fair enough. But the Scarlet Crusade are stale at this point. We’ve had SEVEN expansions clowning on them compared to two for the Drust. I was fine with wiping the Scarlet Crusade out with my DK in Legion (you’re welcome), but at this point it is ridiculous. All the nuance and deep backstory have been stripped away. Even using them just as punching bags will grow stale (it’s already begun even with people who love to hate them).
While one could say Void zealots are also overused, they’ve only been in six expansions, Scarlets still have them beat.
They didnt “magic it away” you can still see said flaws in his short story which happens AFTER the Wolfheart book.
Greymane was hated by everyone of the Alliance outside of Gilneas for his conduct after the Second War and his refusal to give refuge to the survivors of Capitol City.
His reapprochement with Varian was the start of the redemption of his reputaiton.
This will never not be funny to me. The Alliance was like, “Damn you for not wanting to enslave the genocidal green alien monsters that wanted to kill us all! And then damn you again for not wanting to foot the bill to enslave said orcs! And finally damn you a third time for protecting your kingdom by not allowing refugees who could have been infected with the same plague that destroyed Lordaeron and turned them into undead!”
Like what? Everything Genn did seemed pretty reasonable, it just sounds like the old Alliance people were butthurt.
Actuall it was more like dam you for not paying your share of the costs of the war and it’s aftermath.
And damm him for leaving people that could have been saved to die.
He had no way of knowing some could be saved. He made the right choice.
He’s not obligated to waste the wealth of his nation on keeping a bunch of monsters in cages. He did nothing wrong on that front either.
“Paying your share” The Alliance was trying to bleed Gilneas dry basically cause they had the most money. Why would Genn and the Gilneans want that when the Alliance was doing that to build slave camps for the genocidal green alien monsters that just tried to kill everyone?
And again, Genn had NO WAY of knowing who was and wasn’t infected by the plague, or if they were working for the cult to try and infiltrate Gilneas and take it down from the inside. Genn was absolutely justified in my opinion cause he didn’t want his kingdom to be turned into undead central like Lordaeron.
Because among other things it was the other nations that tanked the Horde during those two wars while Gilneas was pretty much spared.