Why were the Illidari left out?

Now, I know that Legion was in essence, an entire expansion based on the theme of the class, but, why did Blizz not think to include the Illidari in the expedition into The Shadowlands?

Would the Illidari having immortal demon souls not have proved to be an invaluable asset to the whole operation? A much similar reason to the Death Knights? It certainly adds an entirely new aspect for Demon Hunter player characters being Maw Walkers.


Did you not see what the Shadowlands does to demons whom get caught in the Shadowlands?

Maldraxxus uses them for two things:

  1. Target dummies in the arena.
  2. Experimental subjects.

But beyond that, Blizzard decided it was DK’s time to shine again.


It’s not like the Illidari are the only ones not coming along? The only class order involved at all is the Ebon Blade.

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This one tends to make even less sense to be involved though, considering their unique circumstance with immortality.

edit: bad wording, I meant it makes less sense for the Illidari to NOT be involved.

wut. DK’s enter the shadowlands every time they wraith walk.


Not all Demon Hunters have immortal Demon Souls. It’s implied Illidan and the PC do.


They’re not undead or related to spirits though, the Shadowlands are completely outside their area of expertise.

I could see them coming back if and when this dreadlord conspiracy thing comes to the forefront (it’s why I put my DH in Revendreth), but until then their story and themes aren’t relevant to the expansion story. It’s like asking why the monk class order wasn’t involved in N’Zoth’s stuff - why should they be, that’s not their storyline?


Actually, given the whole Sha sub plot in MoP, maybe they should…

gl hf

I would suspect that having an immortal demons soul would actually be very unuseful in the Shadowlands. Your soul would try to go back to the Neather like a normal demon, unlike everyone else’s which is stable in the Shadowlands.

Considering how CHUMPED the Knights of the Ebon Blade got during the Shadowlands intro, yes. It would have been nice to have Demon Hunters backing them.

But aesthetically they don’t fit much.

If World of Warcraft were the Brady Bunch, Death Knights would be Marcia and Demon Hunters would be Jan.


I feel it’s weird that the Valarjar and Odyn have no presence in the story so far, given the whole Helya/Death link to the story.


Is not like class order halls were called.

The Ebon Blade was in because the whole plot was around the Lich King and Icecrown.

After that, the champions of Azeroth were called regardless of their class.


Because apparrantly having demon soul means little or nothing compared to actually wielding death magic itself. Or having that close connection to Maw power the way that the Death Knights and wielders of the Heart of Azeroth does.

You had your special moment of relevance in Legion. After that, you’re just one of the guys now like the rest of us. Deal with it.


That’s fair. But so far Helya hasn’t really done anything so maybe we’ll see them when she gets a raid or dungeon or whatever.

Though warriors should really have a quest to go tell Odyn she’s back now.

Not all Illidari are immortal. Some of the voices in the River of Souls belong to Illidari, so for those that don’t have demon souls, they end up in the Maw just like everyone else.

The Knights of the Ebon Blade aren’t immortal either, but they have certain powers over the dead that can give them an advantage in the Maw, and one of their big themes is that they don’t fear death or damnation like the living do, since they’ve already had to face it and reckon with it. Because of this, they make for a useful strike force full of hardy fighters that won’t back down out of fear like living soldiers might.

The connection being built in the story between the Lich King and the Jailer also means it makes sense to involve them, because it raises questions about how much influence the Jailer had on the Scourge. Also, from a meta perspective, the Illidari had their turn at being the hero class in the spotlight in Legion, and the Ebon Blade need a chance to reclaim their title of edgiest and angstiest class in WoW.


Forsaken, Shaman and spiritwalkers are also missing in an expansion that should be relevant to them. There’s time budgets to consider. They may have their day later on.


I will always die on my hill that Shamans need a spirits spec. We see them dealing with ghosts all the time in quests.


They also go to the Shadowlands to get Deathchargers and Salanar and his group of riders basically live there too, although back then it was known as the “Realm of Shadows”.

Honestly, it’s just outside of their expertise. The undead and demons are related, true, but it’s not like the DKs were big movers and shakers in Legion when it was all about the demons.


One could make plenty of arguments for plenty of characters/factions going into the Maw. The Illidari have an advantage, but it doesn’t seem to be an “invaluable asset.” Just because some of them have immortal demon souls, does not mean that soul cannot still be imprisoned within the Maw, unable to find a new body. They would presumably be just as well off as anyone else in there.

Even if the Jailor couldn’t bind your immortal soul, he could certainly imprison you physically. As we can see with Jaina, Thrall, Anduin and Baine, he doesn’t need to kill someone to imprison them.