Why were in-game GMs removed?

Ah, yes

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Send a report then so they can work with additional data

Not reportable

Playing as a gnome is not a reportable offense

I thought you were talking about gnomes and not bees

Then create that attribute by reporting said flying non-flying gnomish bees with difficult to pronounce names

Edit: I realised I should at least add a more serious element to my post and this is that
Blizzard’s style of handling reports and behaviour like that has always been more laid-back (except for botters, that’s more systematic than laid back) and that means that we as players actually get to dicate what we find to be acceptable or not
If you think it is fine for it to be in the game, then you don’t report it

If you do think it is wrong, you do report it
We don’t get to make the judgement calls but we establish what gets looked at

On an RP realm, it is. Now, if you’re through with the pedantry, address my actual post or contribute something meaningful to the thread.

Namely, anyone in-game can easily identify flyhackers and an algorithm that ‘needs more data’ is less effective than a few more boots on the ground.

I just did (added an edit); and actually a lot of gibberish names are actually allowed on RP realms

It is specifically real names that tend to be more disallowed
Although if its just a bunch of letters in random configurations, report it and see what happens
Blizzard can deem it not as a reportable offense if they want, but they’ll only look over a report if someone makes a report

Seems things just got out of hand, players getting very demanding, so many tickets to deal with, egos were growing… an ex GM in the comments wrote about how things got out of hand and time was wasted so Blizzard for the most part reeled that back so you saw these in game GM’s a lot less than when the game started.


How come FF14 still has in game GMs then?

Don’t know and don’t care. I just told you what I see the consensus is about why the old in game gm in teractions are almost non existent now as compared to the past.


Botting increased when in game GMs were removed.

That’s a bit anecdotal.


I mean I didn’t see much botting back in the days when in game GMs were a thing.

Botting programs have advanced a tonne so that is one huge reason why botting across the interwebs even is a big problem.

You do one thing, they’ll 1up you so it’s a never ending chase.

How stupid are people? That’s like telling the cashier at Best Buy…do they really expect that information to be forwarded all the way to the top of the company? I swear people have gotten dumber.

Very true

I had like 2 or 3 tickets handled by those “mythical” ingame real-life human being GMs back in 2006-2008… and I don’t remember any of this cringe-y “WTS boost” and RMT crap flooding the chat channels back then

As a side-note, one time I was testing an “exploit” in a Warsong Gulch on a twink lvl 19 toon, I don’t remember exactly how it worked but there used to be a terrain glitch where you could jump up to a certain spot above a doorway and therefore become unkillable by enemy melees (…at a time when Warriors/Rogues were OP). In other words, the perfect hiding spot for a flag carrier toon

Anyways, during the match a GM whispered me and warned me against exploiting - then I was suddenly teleported down/off that little ledge in real-time

Why do I mention this? Because it’s a perfect example of a real-life human being GM actually responding to a situation in real-time… not like the 2+ week “wait times” and 100% automated email responses we have now :joy:

People actually HAVE gotten dumber, if you ever go lookup middle school curriculum from the 1800’s it seems like college-level stuff today… my mind was blown when I first found out just how badly we’ve been deliberately dumbed down :flushed:

they asked for living wages. that wasn’t in the budget. So now neither are they.

You can blame people for creating meaningless tickets for that.



Because you had no idea what botting looked like
Not to mention it wasn’t as common as just folks buying gold and thus’ paid gold farmers were more common to see

It very much so isn’t


Never met a GM, but we used to run dedicated servers for large multiplayer games like BF and Call of Duty.

Having a mod deal with bozos in real time was necessary. Dealing with The amount of cheating then circa 2003 to 2008 was a full time job.

We had spreadsheets miles long of banned CD keys

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Oh I totally believe it, the dudes in the twink guild I parked my alt in would openly talk about exploits they discovered, share links to websites, etc - every possible advantage and “ounce” of twinkiness/performance was to be squeezed out

I remember one of the dudes somehow figured out how to enchant his “Lucky Fishing Hat” (BiS helmet for twinks at the time) with like a lvl 70 enchant, don’t know how he did it but it gave him a huuuuuge boost in stats (illegal as it might be)

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Endless easy scripts. Some though took us actually ghosting or viewing first person mode to see how they were playing.

We could see in real time, people joining and a message flash saying “XYZ player banned for map hack, auto aim, ammo mod, etc.”

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Threads like these by posters like the OP are what I like to call nostalgia trolling. They are disingenuously posing a seemingly innocent question in a naive manner. If they have been here long enough to remember when GMs were in the game, they have been here long enough to know the answer to their own question.

It’s a rhetorical question. It’s not meant to be answered, rather elicit out a bunch of lazy, no thought"blizzard greedy" "bobby yacht " replies which, credit where it’s due, worked easily.