Why the negativity over AV grind?

Did they address the fact that it can be never-ending? For those of us with disabilities, having A/V last hours can be (and in my case IS) exhausting and extremely painful.


The grind wasn’t bad. I did it prenerf, without really doing rams or the mines at all.

My tactic was to help win the game… forcing Ally in a turtle, collecting scraps, and then summoning Lhok.

It was such… a beautiful thing to witness whenever we finally overtook them and forced our way into Vann. I always thought my love of AV was rose tinted. No…it’s still there.

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I was in an AV and between lighting up Horde (or getting crushed by groups of 4 to 10) I chatted over time in short sentences with someone doing the mining quest. There is no arguing their point. I was of the “lets win this crowd” as I like to win and pvp. A win gets you 5%, farming the mine get them 10 to 14%. From the standpoint of someone there for the mount alone, they are using the most efficient means to an end.

I don’t blame them at all so knowing that, I play the battleground on my Horde character\characters because Horde has less people in general just focusing on the quest. Old AV was a hoot and I like to win or at least have a good fight. Everyone wins. (Yeah I might scream “ONLY 5%!?!?!?!111!?!?!” but I had fun. :grinning: )

You are horde. They have more PVPers…so they have easier times, just longer ques. Try playing on alliance and youll realize you que into 4/5 times a lost or nearly lost BG and waste time in it for 10 badges maybe, or leave. That is not engaging gameplay.

The old-new AV battleground would have been frustrating without this reward system in place. There is a lot of stuff that should be done to help your side get stronger that isn’t just “see enemy, kill enemy”. While some old-timers may remember what that stuff was, there isn’t anyway for the rest of us to find out what it is. Google provided no info to me but at least it wasn’t a toxic jerk in chat who would rather insult his own teammates than help them.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the delectable Pinot Noir Whine you were serving.

Neither did any of us, when we first went into it. I mean , if you have specific questions… ask away.

Otherwise, it’s like life. You may/may not get help. If you don’t you’ll have to learn on your own.

Not how a game you pay to play should be. Not on limited time things. Especially when the other faction like OP is here saying he doesn’t see how bad it is, but doesn’t see it from the side of the people with complaints. “Let them eat cake” then huh?

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I don’t like my game to explain things to me. But, I realize other people are not like that and that’s more than fine.
That’s why a community exists. We’re here to help you if you need it…
Most of us are anyway

That part is working as intended though. AV matches used to take a long time to finish. Now that Blizzard has given people incentive to win they will probably be over a good bit faster than before.

There is no force. I hate pvp, probably because I suck at it, but I wanted those mounts so I went in, got them and now I can’t leave because god damn the xp is amazing. I may spend the rest of the anniversary just banging away at leveling my alts in there and dragging my kids along so they can level as well.

Besides, of all the battlegrounds, AV is probably the best.


Yes it does, winning = 5%, losing 2.5%

“only 132 more hours of AV to go!”

Do the daily quests for 6% each

Thankfully I already got mine done, I couldn’t imagine doing it now with the changes.


You have to admit though, that is a paltry sum. You’d have to run it loads of times in order to get the mount, and the BG takes an hour per run at least. And this is assuming you win. Imagine losing every time; can’t imagine how long it would take.

You have been explained how this attitude of yours is incorrect. It has nothing to do with “working for rewards” it is that to get the ram/wolf you don’t play AV correctly. I got more progress to my mount doing wolves for 10 minutes then leaving AV then I did helping my team win 3 game over a multi-hour period.

So again the current method rewards leeching and actually not helping and that is what people are complaining about. You just have to get off this “WoW players are lazy, Classic players rock” mindset you are on.


Calling people playing a videogame ‘lazy’ has always struck me as incredibly strange, tbh.

Yeah, it’s fine to have to work for your rewards, to an extent - that’s just the nature of the genre - but people seem to be celebrating the game being nothing more than busywork, lately. Even if it’s to the detriment of the game itself … which it absolutely was for AV, at least pre-update.

Lol the issue is that the rewards are just crap for actually doing AV. Kills should reward time walking badges, victories should reward min 50 tokens.

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Pvp players still playing wow seriously is shocking.:rofl::rofl:

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