Why the lore just hurts now. Opinion

But seriously folks. BFA and SL will go down in history as two of the most talked about expansions, ever!

That’s true. Same way that Season 8 is probably the most talked about season of Game of Thrones, or how much more dissection The Rise of Skywalker underwent compared to, say, Revenge of the Sith.

It’s all about those algorithms bay-bee.


Shadowlands? Barely. The only things worth talking about is related to BFA which can only be described as a red hot big ball of rage.

Does anyone honestly care what the heck is going with SL’s denizens?


Actually after season 8 GoT seemingly disappeared from nerdom.
It used to be this huge social phenomenon and then… poof it was gone.

Kind of like Cyberpunk, the hype was out of control and now its like it never existed.


I’m legit worried someone at activision is going to see all the “engagement” Teldrassil was responsible for, and decide that idiotic spectacles that piss everyone off will be the new normal.


I honestly wish they had the cajones to- If i’m such a bad person for not liking the stupid suckfang saga, then go ahead and DELETE ME.
Isn’t there a “social problem” of too many horde player characters? They could delete everyone who accidentally sided with saurfang, and then put in a ticket or complained about it on the forums, too. That sure would fix’er up.

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One of my buds is convined that the Alliance is getting all the glory and spotlight because the Chinese market likes them more.

Personally I just think the devs are hacks who don’t understand what made the series good, and they have way too many pet characters.


I think the characters can still pretty fun, when they just sort of turn up in the world.

Like in particular I was delighted during the Necrolord campaign when they say you’ll have to drag around some soul to absorb anima or whatever. I was fully expecting one of those nameless chained ghost NPCs to follow me then bam, Kael’Thas himself turns up.

That was really cool. And the fact he remembered my character because I had the achievement for killing him was just icing on the cake.

When the hero characters are usually sitting in their castles doing leader stuff and suddenly pop up unceremoniously it’s pretty cool. And you know this quest is definitely about to pop off if they turned up.

Being dragged through an in game unskippable cutscene though, or having to watch an actual cutscene where they’re doing neat stuff that would be fun to ya know, play, is when I find them insufferable.


Well, how else would they tell a story where Uther blames her for his decisions?

It was rather poorly marketed, started as “world of daily-craft”, and was sprinkled by wonderful dev pearls such as “we know shadow priests are not in a good state but won’t do anything till the next expansion”.

ToT was a good raid though, mogu lore was mosly decently done, quest hub of that patch was also well executed. Can’t say anything about the Siege, I stopped playing a few weeks after the Landfall release.

At least it was sort of coherent story. Was. Execution might’ve been better.

Karazhan was cool lore-wise too. A glimpse into Outlands too. There are some cool story bits, like ethereals. I am sure, gameplay part had more to do with the success, but TBC has some story lines and quests that are not appreciated (still remember the 1st time I did the “Exorcism of Colonel Jules” quest, that was hillarious)

Arguably, the approach of the team backfired. I assume the original idea was to keep “cool” moment for the game, while connect the dots in the side media.

However, that worked in a different direction. I remember when people massively skipped quest text in WotLK because (if my memory serves me well) “why waste time reading quests when I won’t know the story anyway”.

Alternatively, maybe there were plans for expanded universe, and the game had the minimal necessary amount of stuff, while the rest could be in the “pay extra to find out”, but it’s more of a conspiracy than anything I have a basis for.

gl hf


You mean the best part of Episode I? The inspiration for the best racing game on the N64 (the best console of all time)?


Oh for the love of the elements. Warcraft has ALWAYS had some level of politics to it. Whether it be a more benign “we need to let go of old hatreds and stop hitting each other while someone is trying to destroy us all” to just a general concept of standing for what is right even against overwhelming odds. Hell, it even managed to sprinkle some equality angle her and there between the genders.

Everything is political.

I would point out that is actually standard for Blizzard games. As an example, in Starcraft 2 we only knew at the beginning that the Xel’naga artifact was valuable. We actually didnt know it could de-zerg Kerrigan until the end. And then it took a second expansion before anyone found out its true purpose.

I thought the remake’s version of that scene was more tasteful than the original. I went back and doublechecked the original Honeybee Inn scene to remind myself and Cloud’s clearly uncomfortable being around a bunch of muscled men in speedos, and he wants to be out of the situation from start to finish. The remake’s more about him just being socially awkward in general and learning to loosen up a bit as the scene goes on.


While I really loved that game too and the actual podrace was ground breaking visuals itself, it really was just spectacle to revolve a detour in the plot of the film. Instead of just robbing Watto(which tricking him into taking the credits would have been as well) and getting off the planet, the film pauses to have full blown character origin story within the origin story.

Rewatching it, I realize there are some VERY VERY uncomfortable implications with the scene. Sure said scene can be played for laugh(and is funny because of how awkward it is) but also sort of have negative connotations.


It is fan fiction that got licensed, nobody who wrote the old stuff is still around besides maybe Golden lol.

I can’t imagine why people didn’t like an expansion whose crux is stopping Captain Plot Armor that half (or more) of the fanbase actively hates from doing her completely nonsense and still unexplained plan that is beyond, “Kill all of reality to set everyone…free…?”

And then tack on a Super Satan invented at the last second who they retconned into stealing all the ideas of the old Warcraft 3/Wrath antagonists (That a LOT of people have a ton of nostalgia for) and declared it was HIS plan all along.

Truly baffling.


That’s exactly how I feel about the current lore, the sad thing is that despite the immense amount of fanfic packed into the game, it has no punch, no soul.

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First expansion wich I‘ve played only a month.
Moved to Classic . Much better

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