Why the lack of Customization?

My main race is a Human (in-game). I don’t even play the game right now and sub runs out in a few months. It’s not about me being too ingrained in my own tree. It’s literally understanding that time and resources are finite in the present, but that the future will come.

That’s the reality, regardless of anyone’s stance.

This is the point that feels disingenuous tho. The “favoritism” here is that they can literally just throw in stuff for VE’s because it’s already done. The stuff NB and LFD is brand new.

So it’s really weird. You are making it sound like they are moving earth and sea to cater to HE fans, when the reality is that, simply, it’s just deciding what assets to reuse.

And HE fans are happy, there is hype about it, but how’s the WoWhead hype the blame of HE fans?

The whole “oh you got 8 hair colors, they do nothing but cater to you” is so weird when LFD and NB are getting a lot more compounded options specifically developed for them. The VE updates are not even taking time and resources beyond deciding “let’s add 3 more lines of code” so I don’t get acting like “it’s all about VE/HE” :confused:


This this this. The original 4 allied races to be released in BFA need their own unique dances. Why would a Nightborne deign to copy the tree hippy dance? I can see VE and LFD, as they are maybe cultural dances, but they should get their own as to distinguish themselves. HMT should as well. Plenty of dances to take inspiration from.


Again, it’s not just about that. It’s also about the communication. The void elves ask for something and within days, get confirmation it’s coming. NB and LFD haven’t been given any of that. At all. No core races got that throughout customization passes. At all. The void elves get their own forum threads about it and all this other stuff.

As someone else said: This screams of “in case of emergency, break glass”. It’s fine if you don’t see where I’m coming from, but that’s how I feel. No other race in this game has had to watch their options be copy pasted to the other faction. None. That’s why I find it so irritating. You keep saying it: “It’s just reused assets”. It is reused assets. But they were assets unique to a Horde race. That’s not the case anymore. And that sucks.


I hope those high elves and blood in telogrus weren’t listening then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Umbral rangers used to be blood elves, high chances they are ex farstriders, like Alleria.


The nightborne model is a mess. And we’ve seen a small amount of what is coming for them so far. They aren’t even close to looking better than nelves, as we got some pretty awesome options.


I hope we get the more stand out options. I hope.

Hope… :grimacing:

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It really isn’t, I’m just saying that there’s no confirmation that that the “Farstrider” style is still or not in fashion. We can’t asseverate either way.

Specially since I’m totally okay with adding them back, I like them. I just don’t think it’s a given they SHOULD return.

And my other point is that it’s just weird to ask as a “unique” BE aesthetic the same look the Void Elven leader has. It literally defeats the purpose of “unique”.

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Alleria is not the void elf leader. It is Magister Umbric. All lore sources state this. Alleria is nothing more than a third party and should be irrelevant to the discussion.

Edit: Apparently, Alleria is now listed as a co-leader to the void elves. She wasn’t before. Guess that must be new.


I originally replied to someone else with this, but it would be so satisfying if they’d include options for the magic infused hands that a lot of the nightborne npcs have even if it was done through cosmetic items, then I’d be fine with it. And in the hair. I just hope we can get this! I’m just excited to see this happening and would love it being fulfilled with so many to test on ptr and live.

Is there any hope for them to consider this if it’s not already?


Alleria, the most relevant Void Elf character, irrelevant to the discussion??

Dear baby J * sigh *


She’s not though. She became a void elf in a completely different manner, with completely different circumstances, and is a completely different case than the others. I would argue Alleria is merely a unicorn.

For ranger stuff, the void elves and blood elves should have different stuff, purely for gameplay purposes. Some distinctions should remain and be added.


Sorry, but four bad texture hairstyles and some uninteresting skin tones aren’t “pretty awesome” nightborne are getting better hairstyles, better skin tones with glowing effect and new tats, cool jewelry. How exactly night elves options are better?

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you know alot of the allied races came with tattoos and other accessories core races lacked. thats why they werent the focus until now. and yet blizzard passed on giving void elves markings that signify they are a farstrider. i mean farstriders are a nature loving group, void elves are the complete opposite

sylvanas has a getup reflective of the people she represents. its about time alleria looked the part too

i mean can anyone imagine a void elf running around pretending they are the farstriders from wc2 and 3? its as ridiculous as a blood elf running around in void elf heritage armor. are blood elves going to get to look like void elves in heritage armor running around?

That’s the thing, I am not saying they are Void Elven. I’m just saying that if they exist, they would be common of all Thalassians. So it’s just a weird choice to make them “uniquely” VE, specially when the most predominant Void Elf character uses them.

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Well, if they’re considering joining the Void elves, chances are they don’t want to look like High elves either. Probably why there’s no examples of any Void elves with fair skin in game.

A “ranger” is not a Farstrider, and considering that the Farstriders pretty much hate the Magisters, and vice versa ~ that’s pretty unlikely.

I mean if you have to erase the only thalassian character that has the customizations you want to make your argument, sure I guess.

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I didn’t argue that. I said Alleria should be irrelevant to the discussion. I didn’t say she should be used as ammunition for void elves getting, or not getting anything. I merely pointed out she’s a different beast when discussing what the ren’dorei are as a people because of her associated circumstances.

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That’s the point: It’s wild to call the leader of a faction “Irrelevant” to matters of identity and aesthetics of the faction they lead.