Or Langoliers from Steven King’s The Langoliers. Mysterious beings that exist outside of time and follow behind present, devouring the past.
Yes, yes you did. I’m out!
It’s not that Sargeras dismissed the idea of the Light. It’s that he already thought he defeated the Light. And that’s not just throw away context.
Reminds me of a thread I made on the subject;
This is the second time I have seen you in particular put it that way. I thought it was a typo at first. Now I am wondering if it is some sort of running gag. A “meme” as the kids say.
Well we do have 4 playable races that do have them as “cosmetics”
Nightborne = Order
Void Elves = Void (duh!)
Highmountain Tauren = Life (Cenarius be gifting out them antler’s for free)
Lightforged Draenei = Light (duh!)
You could also extend death to playable undead. Such as Death Knights, Forsaken or certain elves with the Dark Ranger skin tones etc.
Sadly Fel is limited only to a class, that being Demon Hunters.
Well, and blood elves and regular orcs.
EDIT: Oh, and the new Red Ant Drainos.
Remember how in Azuremyst Isles Questing the Draenei were confused when the Alliance abruptly called them Eredar saying that they are not Eredar?
Anchorite Fateema says: Man’ari… But how… We are not eredar! She must know! If there are others like her, we must find them and explain…
In otherwords calling the Fel Draenei by the term Red Ant Draenei is indeed accurate as the Draenei clearly see the term Eredar to reference a Faction of Man’ari/Fel-corrupted members of their unnamed Species working for the Burning Legion(the Sargerai are another Faction).
The less we think about the jailor, the fractals, the sigils, “dreams within dreams”, and whatever other crap Danuser pumps out that is oh so intelligent, the better Warcraft’s story will be in the long run.
I will never stop thinking about the fractals.
And you cannot stop me.
endless fractal possibilitieeeeesssss.
Saezurah says thus:
Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Quiet now, but her voice will awaken the others.
Six voices in discord. Without harmony, the anthem will be ended.
Firim says thus:
Every new discovery in Zereth Mortis drew me back to the mysteries of the First Ones. I sought to understand their nature, yet each time I believed I was nearing an answer, I found myself drifting further away.
I considered again their design. The pattern. Lines and curves, arcs and angles.
And turns. Oh, so many turns.
The six forces that pointed toward a seventh, and yet denied it. For a long while I considered this seeming contradiction no more than another variable. An unknown waiting to be solved.
But the song of the oracle continued to reverberate in my consciousness. And as I allowed my focus to soften, my grip upon the tangible to loosen, the geometry took shape in my mind.
It was both six AND seven. The six were one, and the seventh the other.
Did they desire union? The song seemed to say otherwise. Both were, yet only one could be.
The melody shifted. I shuddered at the shape it took.
This was not a variable to be solved. It was a solution awaiting its opportunity.
The song must not be allowed to end.
Do the First Ones still sing it? Truly, I do not know. But if they do not…
If they do not…
Who will?
N’Zoth later stated:
Knowing Presence whispers: Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.
A Song of the Depths mentions using the Hunger of Galakrond to take the Dark Heart that I presume is the Light Crystal in Hallowfall to complete the Awakening which suggests the Crystal is actually asleep.
“It’s Surface shines bright masking Shadows below.” - Il’gynoth.
The Crystals being in Light mode is actually Sleep Mode. Their Void Mode is Awake Mode.
The Pantheon of Light programmed the Naaru with goals to force them to keep the Void Lords asleep!
The Great Clash of Light vs Void that created the Great Dark Beyond was actually a Void Realm being shattered after the Void Entities’ dreams reacted violently to being invaded by the true Light Realm!
No wonder the Void dreams in Infinite Possibilities! Their Realm was shattered into the Infinite Possibilities by the Light!
The Seventh cosmic force everyone is scared of is the WoW token