The question of tuning/balancing hasn’t been an absolute deterrent in the past, so why should it be one now?
There will always be those who do this, no matter what is done to the game. It’s a meaningless thing to take into consideration.
With this, I mean in terms of it serving as a reason not to do something.
Granted you’re saying “you think…” so that statement is based on your personal knowledge and experience, but honestly, if this is what you actually think, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Neither with the specs themselves, nor what the actual goals/intentions were with class/spec design in the past.
This is essentially why people tend to frown upon others that make suggestions on a class/spec with a core design and theme which they themselves aren’t all that interested nor invested in.
So, in other words, it’s confirmed…
MSV was an easy win in terms of reaching the goals set for Legion; “double down on individual spec identity no matter the cost/outcome. No matter what the majority of players actually wanted from the class”
That’s the definition of a bad attitude towards class and spec design, and what it should provide.
As evident by data and statistics, it failed spectacularly to achieve what was intended.
There is only one way they(the specs) should’ve been judged, based on the criteria set for past expansions and their intentions towards class and spec design in general.
What individual players thought of their diversity, matters for less.
And no, I’m not saying that people don’t have a right to their opinions. I’m saying that if they should judge something, as with the case above, they should judge it based on the right criteria, not just their own beliefs.
This doesn’t exactly put you in a better light…
Nor does it validate your claims.
Well said.
You’d be surprised…
But yeah, I very much agree. Bring in that 4th spec option and be done with it really.