Thanks for the input.
Ima give it the attention it deserves.
Thanks for the input.
Ima give it the attention it deserves.
While I agree with this…
This is very dismissive of people who love hunter class fantasy but dont love ranged dps. Im not saying hunters need a tank or healer role, but the No true scotsman feels are not constructive to the discussion.
With all the debate you’d think that there were actually people who played SV Hunter besides the few of us in discord.
Agree with all except maybe this. I love specs that can melee or ranged. For instance when raiding is ranged friendly bu M+ and arena are melee friendly it’s pretty awesome to be a Druid/shaman/hunter.
HOWEVER, I want more physical ranged DPS, especially with traps, WAY more than the above connivence.
There are 13 melee specs.
There are only 2 physical ranged dps specs.
Kind of agree.
If your post starts out with “I don’t play this class”, probably best just to leave well enough alone.
I mean this quote is talking about Blizzard not players. While there is no proof, the circumstantial evidence that no one at blizzard plays hunters has been circumstantial for years.
Last circumstantial=substantial?
No. Substantial implies there is more than just “Blizz did this dumb thing to our class, clearly none of them play it” type evidence.
I thought you were saying that there is substantial (read: a lot/massive amount) circumstantial (read: non-conclusive, yet damning) evidence.
The second circumstantial confused me and seems redundant, BUT I need more coffee. Not trying to nitpick merely understand the post.
This. Nothing else needs to be said really.
If you ask me, keeping with the original theme of how specs were named for classes, it should have a name that caters to it’s intended theme.
Name it: “Munitions”
Such as?
But yeah, I decided to create a concept of my own a while back. Feel free to judge for yourself if it’s too similar to either of the current Hunter specs we have on live, or not(link below).
It had things such as Arcane Shot ofc, and arguably Black Arrow as well. Though nothing we’ve had has ever suggested that we are the ones who conjure said magic.
In the RPG, Hunters used to hire schooled magicians to infuse their arrows with magical properties, or just straight up by the arrows from someone else who did.
Having said that, it also depends on what is meant by the term “elemental archer”. Is it only refering to how we are using such augmented shots or is he/she pointing at how we are the magicians ourselves?
For obvious reasons, people tend to get hung up on the term “hybrid”, basing it on different combat roles as seen in WoW.
However, in short, “hybrid” has a very broad meaning. It can point towards a lot of things. Depending on how you look at it, every single class in this game has a type of hybrid-design. No class/spec is about 1 thing, and 1 thing only.
The WoW team should just make a 4th spec in order to reintroduce RSV, it doesn’t have to be one or the other (Like they should’ve done in the first place Pre-Legion).
MSV was the only reason I even came back to hunter since Cata so it would be nice to see both sides get what they’d like without sacrificing another if the dev team decides to make any changes in the future.
i spent 8 years maining a spec that was deleted. i don’t care about classes being able to melee and ranged dps.
You could even go simpler and do it like feral druid. Just have stance bar for melee/ranged. Then you could keep the 1 spec and have some abilities transfer from stance to stance, but also give each stance a few of the own abilities as well.
Priest don’t need 2 caster heal specs I think one should go melee and let’s make it a tank spec.
We don’t have any non Plate/Leather classes with a tank spec .Since priest have 2 heals and one dps make Disc a tank spec.
Except ranged characters can still do their damage at melee range, but melee characters can’t do their damage at range.
Your logic is flawed.
i personally like melee survival only reason i dont play it is cause i want to do mythc+ and the damage is just horrible
survival needs an overhaul but it can stay melee in my opinion
Make MSV a tank, and bring back RSV as an elemental archer.
This right here, guys. This is a crucial point that so many Survival players ignore. It’s impossible to position Survival’s melee combat as a unique strength when the ranged specs can fight in melee range just fine. It is, in fact, a unique weakness.
Now, some people might say based on that the solution is to make the ranged specs not able to fight in melee, to which I would say “no, that’s a dreadful archaic mechanic that makes the class worse”.
N.B. There is a specific scenario where being melee can be helpful, and this is in raids where you might have a boss fight that has many dangerous mechanics that exclusively target ranged specs. This has actually happened before (namely in Nighthold) but it’s a once-in-the-game’s-lifetime event.
id also argue they would bring back ranged survival and it would still be as garbage in dps as melee survival is cause there not gonna touch it >_>
There is no reason to bring back ranged survival. It doesnt play significantly differently than Beast Master or Marksman. You can say it does…but a dot or bleed ranged attack is not significantly different than a direct damage attack.
The current difference between the specs is great.
[1] Ranged with pet
[1] Ranged without pet.
[1] melee with pet.
All are vastly different (as far as wow can be anyway) from each other and that is ideal from a design standpoint.
Yes the specs could and should be fleshed out, but ranged survival is not remotely unique enough on its own when compared to how unique melee survival is.
So would you say affliction, destruction, and demonology warlocks all basically play the same then?