The problem is that this one does not work like the Legion-version did.
It also promotes a style of play that is, IMO, fairly “clunky”(yes, I used the word…) considering how we now have 3 different abilities/effects that all compete for reducing the remaining/total CD left of Kill Command.
Cobra Shot’s baseline effect + Killer Cobra(Talent) + this Lego.
3 different effects that all compete for the same perk on an ability with a 6-7sec CD in total. Really…?
But yeah sure, it has some impact indeed. Sadly, not a very good one IMO.
Me too. Sadly, anything we see now is but a shell of what we had in Legion when Dire Beast was a proper “summon it all” ability. I loved that feeling of overwhelming the target with a horde of beasts. Why they removed that choice is beyond me. And for what? A simple and extremely boring use-on-CD design?
To me better ideas for mm legendaries would be for those that like the sniper aspect a legendary that would allow say an aimed shot or 2 being fired from camoflauge (like an actual sniper) or a legendary for those that would like more mobility and allow aimed on the move. Instead our best is adds what would be considered a 2nd talent from our lvl 15 row .
And honestly, if glyphs as a system was to be reintroduced, I would not mind it if it focused mostly on improvements to utility and defensives + ways to customize certain damaging abilities to better suit specific types of content.
I’m less interested in seeing them become about:
“The damage dealt by ability X is increased by 10%”
“Bestial Wrath provides an additional X% bonus to damage dealt”
Obv such effects are useful but like has been said already, they wouldn’t be all that interesting in terms of gameplay.
As it stands now, you can actually play the entire spec at range, which is a big improvement from Leg and BFA MSV. It’s what I’d call a “melee-capable” range spec. Because you can use Steady Shot and Arcane Shot WITH a range weapon. Unfortunately not Killshot for some odd reason(don’t know why that requires just a 2Her). But some of the video footage I’ve seen on MSV leads me to believe that you’re better off keeping distance when possible.
But the big problem about doing it that way is that you’d have to argue with yourself whether SV can do it better at ranged than MM or BM. Unfortunately, I’m going to say that MM and BM can do it better than RSV.
I may it find it an intellectual debate. When you go fully ranged, you’re only losing a few abilities. I’ve seen Stings and nades do really good damage in videos. I would say that to play RSV, you just keep up the dots and other things off CD, using Arcshot as a focus dump.
I meant that if you were to compare someone who plays their MSV as a proper melee-spec and then they switch and play it as 100% ranged(w/e they can use while at range), you will see quite a substantial difference in performance.
Can you get by playing it 100% ranged for quests and other solo stuff? Yes ofc.
Is it a viable option for raiding or dungeons etc? No, it isn’t.
You lose Auto Attack and Raptor Strike outside of Eagle which are pretty major parts of your DPS. You also can’t Carve for cooldown reduction on Wildfire Bomb. If you equip a ranged weapon you wont be able to Raptor Strike even with eagle or Kill Shot and your auto shot damage has a -50% aura specifically to discourage this sort of thing. Going out to range is still a big penalty for Survival; it’s just not as big a penalty as it is for other melee specs.
That blows. I think Blizzard needs to do something about that. Let’s put back that Autoattk on, give Multishot and have it cd-reduce nades, and take off that 50% auto penalty. It shouldn’t take longer than 30 minutes to rewrite the code.
I can’t and won’t argue. Blizzard is “doing the creep” on this and it piques my curiosity to see how much they’re going to expand RSV like they have.
Oh, and I haven’t forgotten that SV still has no good survivability and utility. It might as well be ranged just on that virtue alone; at least range and positioning is a form of survivability and utility.
It’s probably not a matter of putting in effort but rather the motivation. Blizzard put in a lot of time and effort making SV melee and they put their pride on the line; ceding melee Survival would be a major embarrassment, not to mention how that would reignite an already bitter and inflammatory debate on the forums. As someone who does want SV to just be entirely ranged I can understand Blizzard’s predicament; making Survival ranged in any way would be a major and difficult step even if they wanted to do it.
Okay, well. If untold thousands of people had a jubilee of Survival being great again(RANGED!), who is going to care about the humiliation of Blizzard? We would be too happy to care.
I remember JAB’s arrogant grin when he said, “You think you do, but you don’t,” and now we have Classic TBC in our sights. All because that one dude–representing a great many others–posed the question about the live return of previous expansions.
Calling them legendaries was a poor choice, IMO. They aren’t legendary. They are a new, mandatory system tied to the entire expansion. They should have called it what it is and come up with a name related to “runecarving”.
I think it was a decent idea to tie it to crafting, but I’m not sure it was implemented very well. I haven’t made up my mind about it yet. I like crafting and I like making my own legendary gear. But the work to upgrade the mandatory equipment I have seems like a lot more than just upgrading an entire set of honor gear, or covenant gear (and maybe that’s more an indication that covenant gear is too easy to upgrade)
Or you make a weak aura of the Survival rotation (in context of your selected talents) and find that you can do as much damage as MM and BM in any content.
I never expected this post to become such a huge hit discussion. I had to distance myself since the comments were coming one after the other and I didn’t have time to read everything. It became kind of convoluted and there were so many topics being discussed that my original points kind of never mattered anymore.
But I am happy about what this became. A lot of the comments are constructive and really go in depth about the spec’s problems.
That always happens when the topic of ranged vs. melee SV is brought up in some form.
Quite a few players did reply to/respond to the arguments you presented in the OP.
One of the big issues is that your arguments are based on your complete lack of experience with the class of late, as mentioned by you in the same post, and your thesis for why the status quo should be kept lacks a solid foundation.
Having said that,…
…none of this actually matters, for several reasons ofc. But most importantly, it doesn’t have to be a case of “either/or”. It doesn’t have to be about “SV must be reverted back to ranged” or “SV must remain melee because we can’t be all about ranged”.
No matter how likely it is that something like this will ever happen or not, it doesn’t take away the fact that, by far, the best solution is to bring RSV back as a 4th spec option.
Something I remember that you agreed with:
But then, you followed that up with questions related to why RSV should be brought back into the game, but you ignored all the answers.
I think a lot of players here are concerned about Blizz trying to design the class towards those who don’t like hunter gameplay that was the staple for the class for 12 years.
There’s also the issue of essentially being told we’re wrong for wanting an old beloved and highly played spec back. Most of us are arguing for a 4th spec as not to repeat the mistakes made going into Legion by deleting a spec.