For real three smart a%#e@& on this forums are this dumbling , DuMbelf and %orc. You guy sleep on these forums and contradict everyone whatever they say.
Make SV is the best you like or not. If you look down on it that means it’s complex for you simpletons
Have a nice day and keep keep researching , you will need it on forums , someone will again come up with post like this where will trigger your “experienced feelings”
Okay, so instead of acknowledging reality we’re just going to throw out insults. SV can be improved upon as it is not performing well in any meaningful content.
Sorry for wanting the spec to be improved while still acknowledging what happened was wrong?
So the evidence contradicts you and your response is to call us stupid? That’s not the position of someone with a strong argument or evidence to back up their claims.
Yes, people follow the guides that tell them the factual best way to go about playing the class. That’s why I, someone who follows the guides and reads the Hunter discord, am clearing mythic raids and +15 dungeons while you are still doing normal mode and +5.
SV really isn’t that much more involved than MM. This isn’t Legion. It’s not such a platespinner anymore, especially with Tip of the Spear being a competitive option at times. SV Hunters tell themselves they are playing a difficult spec because it makes them feel better and helps to maintain the superiority complex. Just because you can’t pass 40th percentile doesn’t mean it’s a hard spec.
Ranged SV was not that involved. I wish it were more involved and incorporated multidotting and spread cleave, and it looked like that was the direction they would take given the design of our Archimonde trinket (lord knows that would be infinitely more valuable to the class than a melee spec), but it wasn’t to be.
Maybe it’s not Hunters that are vain and stupid. Maybe it’s just that Survival is a bad spec. I know it’s difficult to fathom, but maybe it really is the Legion redesign of Survival that’s at fault. It sure as hell didn’t get this much hate and controversy before then. Don’t blame Hunters for finding Survival to be useless. Blame Survival for being useless. Also, maybe don’t make broad, sweeping assumptions about Hunters and their intelligence as if you have more to your name than 3 normal mode Castle Nathria kills, all of which were a green parse.
P.S. If anyone thinks it’s unfair for me to attack the progress and performance of other players, as far as I’m concerned once they start trying to portray themselves as smarter/better than other people it’s fair game.
Given the type of insults you pump out, are you sure you aren’t the 7 year old?
Especially since they are just blatantly insulting people who disagree even though they have no supporting evidence to back their claims while everyone else has evidence against what they are saying.
I mean, it’s not even that they are insulting people. It’s that they are calling other people stupid and saying that survival is too complex for people.
Clearly because they are just smarter than everyone else. Clearly. Lol.
What got me was the contradictions post to post. One minute they argue people only play the meta. When confronted with contradicting evidence, they jump to explain it away while tacitly trying to say SV is just much more complicated. Which of course really isn’t true as Bepples noted, it’s not nearly as difficult to do as it was in Legion.
If majority is happy then it wouldnt be one of the worst represented and worst dps specs. It brings nothing useful to any type of group setting . dks bring ams and mass grip. Warrior battle snd commanding shout. Pallies bubble. Dh and monk bring magical and physical debuffs. Suv? Brings nothing
I have paraphrased some things you’ve said because I honestly don’t want to go back and quote the same things I’ve quoted from you before.
And really…
I recall asking you once before here what you meant in a specific part of a reply you posted earlier.
How that translates to: “because every one of our interactions seems to start with you saying that you arent sure what I mean”, I’m not sure that anyone can answer…
You have a very weird way of saying that but…sure, okay then…
And as for that point in particular, yeah obviously the class should be about more than just ranged weapons. Who here has ever said anything different?
Again, not sure who this is directed towards but if it’s me then, go back and check my previous posts. I have never said anything like that.
Again, I can only speak for myself here, but I recall being one of those who very much want RSV back, but I frequently also speak in favor of ways to implement it so that we can keep MSV, so that everyone can play whatever they want.
Elaborate what you mean exactly…
Noone has ever said that you must like(and want) RSV.
We all have our individual preferences. And that’s the point here really. The preferences of a lot of players are no longer a part of this game because the devs removed an entire spec from the class, that being RSV.
Oh I understood your point perfectly with what you said there.
My issue was more with how you formulated yourself with that sentence in your reply to me.
It’s not that they are easier , it’s because the vast majority want to play a hunter with either a gun , bow or crossbow and only a few select special people want to play it with a pole arm .
Then why challenge me on a post pointing out that the “no true scotsman” fallacy is wrong, dismissive, offensive and not applicable to melee hunters (or anyone who devotes any time to any class)? If you dont want me to lump you in with Bepples or Dawnspirit (who I actually respect as hunters despite my frustration with them on this forum) why chime in when the only topic being discussed (at the time) is the legitimacy of melee hunters?
When it comes to mechanics, to raid experience, to class history, to the MM spec (in the case of Dawnspirit and Watermist) you guys all have me beat. But when it comes to the right of SV hunter fans to be identified and recognized as true hunters, I won’t be convinced. It doesnt matter if they are new players, former warriors, people who missed wing clip, raptor strike and stat sticks, or whatever.
Is Bepples right that the devs probably shouldnt have catered to non hunters and possible new players by scrapping RSV? Yes. But they are hunters now… not non hunters.
I did not challenge everything you said, hence why I only quoted certain parts.
I do happen to disagree with Bepples and Dawn on the notion that melee has no place within the class. I just very firmly believe that they went about the implementation in a spectacularly bad way. And have since gone out of their(devs) ways to try to justify their decisions, with motivations that are flat out wrong. How the devs can get their facts so wrong is beyond me really.
The thing is, it doesn’t really matter one bit whether a spec is popular or not, if that’s not something the devs take into consideration(which it seems as if they don’t do atm). It also doesn’t really matter whether everyone likes a particular spec or not, because there is just no way to design a spec that everyone will like.
The only thing I really challenge here, is how the devs went about implementing MSV in the first place, along with certain arguments some MSV-fans(or others) tend to use as meriting factors/justification for XXX.
Me criticising the standpoints of certain players who happens to be MSV-fans have nothing to do with their desire to play MSV. It’s just that the reasons they give/“facts” presented happens to not fall in line with the reality of history or recorded data.
When they use said fallacies(intentional or otherwise) as arguments, it does in no way help to solve the issue of what happened. Quite the opposite…
That’s what I thought at first, but considering what Gidemon said I just assumed that I’ve missed something you’ve said before.
Bepples firmly believes that melee has no place as a main feature in this class, and based on what Gidemon said, he/she seems to include you on that, for w/e reason…
Melee has no place in the class as a baseline state of a Hunter spec. It means having a spec predicated on a weakness which goes against the core purpose of a spec. The only way melee Hunters make sense is as a talented option within a spec that’s ranged by default (i.e. BM) since it makes more sense for a trade-off to exist in a talent option rather than as a foundational part of an entire spec.