Why so many rets

I think it might be really popular presently (s4) due to its high survivability + utility + dmg output being in a good place. Add in access to a Legendary main hand… I’ve no idea what the situation will be for the next month with all the new changes (mastery, range nerf), but i feel it is a comfortable class to play, that can shine or be forgiving.

I strongly disagree. In fact, I enjoy running with double ret. It opens up alot of options, as well as coordinated efforts regarding interupts, cc’s, cleanse, sacs, freedoms brz etc etc. My best wow friend & I run double ret keys over 10, and its a blast. Try it, you might love it.

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Dang. This whole thread has made me question my decision to main Monk…

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The changes for monk have been excellent. I wouldn’t be the least bit apprehensive about maining one if that was my cup of tea.

Monks have traditionally not been super popular in WoW, but that is due to thematics. A mostly unarmed martial artist just isn’t going to be extremely common in a high fantasy setting, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a well designed class. They have a lot going for them and should be solid in TWW. You’re also not likely to have to compete for a spot with another monk.


You’re in the minority, although I totally agree with you.

That’s because the Light is calling out to you, my son. :wink:

I’ve definitely done M+ as Prot or Ret with more than one Paladin intentionally as well as more than one Ret intentionally, but Im a low M+ andy. Only a few seasons out of several expansions have I done 16s or so regularly. When I was pushing higher keys gladly with several Paladins, they were doing their respective rolls exceptionally. Seemingly unkillable when played well due to great tuning and utility, fantastic damage regardless of roll at times.

As several folks mentioned already, Ret is a straightforward, little to no ramp spec, as is Prot. The tools available are large M+ assets. One of the things that made me love Prot Pally in SL was with BIS or close gear I could heal so much no party member had a chance to die to most incounters while I pulled as much as possible as fast as possible. All the while I could be the top damage and healing in lower keys intentionally inviting players with low item level to help them push keys as high as their skill would allow and pass out any gear I looted happily. At the same time I could play Ret for any tank that could keep agro some of the time and put many mobs in the Divine Storm blender and top the charts, also helping low item level folks push keys and hand out gear I looted like mage food.

The low skill floor and high survivability helped me trust I could Ret stack and plate stack my groups to pass out even more loot, and expect but not need great dps from Rets I invited.

In DF post 10.0.7 patch, Ret cleave and survivability was on steroids, so much so that it was decent after one hot fix large nerf and 5 more weeks of weekly nerfs. The rotation got even smoother and easier as more changes came to Ret, even if relative damage to other specs became close.

Thematically Ret and Paladin as a whole has always been popular as a support class. Paladins normally like to show off how helpful they are in a team setting. Add increased ease of play and favorable tuning and design changes and Rets popularity grew even more.

In PVP Ret has a myriad of flaws I wont list now, but it is still quite popular for pvp as well.

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I’m a tank main and I would put 2 ret’s in my groups when the IO was right, no problem.

But like, I was doing like 18-20’s in S3 and not beyond that, so until that level sure, double ret was actually good.

Don’t know about ego keys tho. Meta in M+ become real “definitive” in those type of keys, like there are actually specs that are a big nono, like any tank that wasn’t DH or Prot Pally at the time :sweat_smile:.

But ofc, keys beyond the max reward levels don’t matter at all, so Blizzard is not obliged to balance that I think.

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For me, i play ret because this charecter is my oldest toon i have. I used to play prot in tbc/early wrath and do want to learn how to again, but i am not on enough to do so.

My only concern is the feel of ret currently, it does not feel paladin like to be able to fight at range woth most of my skills, specially considering i wear plate armor. Ret should be encouraged to be in melee for more then just 2 skills (or 1 if you use cssa) to use. Pvp wise we can use more mobility. (I also want that vanilla WoW alliance sheild, only way to get it is pvp)

The FotM people definitely came for ret after the rework but I feel the hype has been dying down and people are moving on to other classes. I’ve been maining it since Wrath and it’s definitely been kind of popular but never like this, I think it’s mainly because the class also feels really good and rewarding to play and doesn’t make you sweat by playing it. The amount of rets actually doing content prior to the rework is no where near what it is now tho lol. Once blizz hits some more classes with good reworks and uncomplicates a lot of rotations I feel it’ll balance out.