Why server shutdown at 830

blizz never does rollbacks

to be more exact, i hear that apparently people were able to trade across servers in AV. could be something else though tbh.

Imagine scheduling raid days on the same day patches have been for 15 years


LOL. Yes.


not true at all but ok

Is the BG exploit rushing the final boss and killing him as fast as possible? That isnt a bug, thats just blizz removing all the land mines, arrow damage, and elite NPCs roaming around.

This is watered down AV and you should of knew this would of happen.

my first post. drabble

Yes way theres a roll backā€¦especially if people already have 100K honor and thereā€™s exploits abound, which is the only reason they would bring down the servers by nowā€¦

Neither will you, having to pull that one mob again.

At this rate I will never hit level 60 =( I kid ā€¦

Is it a bad sign that weā€™ve brainstormed various different things that deserve a priority bug fix and a server restart?


How long are they going down for?

This. Iā€™ve seen so many screenshots today of 5-7 minute AVs where literally everyone has 0 killing blows, 0 honorable kills, and close to 1600 bonus honor for the wining team and 800 bonus honor for the losing team. Itā€™s just a straight up zerg.


I sure hope that ā€œbugā€ is the AV final bosses not getting their proper buffs thatā€™s being fixedā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:

Taco time.

All of the stuff you described is in AV its just extremely skipable with everyone rushing on epic mounts to the same place.

honor rollback baby!

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everyone change their poop socks.

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I canā€™t believe all that testing yā€™all let us do didnā€™t catch this.

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What is there to fix in AV? Players running past each other and rushing the end boss is not a bug. Horde trying to jump behind alliance base up to avoid the bridge, thats a bug.