Why removing world buffs is the ONLY decision for FRESH



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No world buffs is objectively correct and I support it

But I’m still playing even if they’re allowed

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I wanted dual spec, hello :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I also wanted and got GDKPs banned.


  • Melee will not get an additional 200 strength worth of AP, exacerbating their DPS imbalance and promoting warrior-only raids.
  • Alliance players will not have to RMT with chinese guys to MC cap them at the Crossroads, in order to raid.

I never understand how violently people defend world buffs. People act like you just insulted their entire way of life.

I also agree that they should be removed but don’t find it likely.

I think as a compromise they should add a raid difficulty that that strips buffs when entering like SoM and gives extra loot on every boss.

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Exactly brother

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