Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

I ran into a similar issue in classic. Tryhards minmaxing trivial content is super cringe.

None of the guys in my raid even knew what KSM and AOTC was, and they had this hardcore mentality that they were so bad @ss that they were going to rule the server.

They were clueless about what hard really is and they sucked all the life out of the game.

Classic is fine but a lot of the community is not.

What you’re describing is the gutter of parsing. There is also a good side to it too. Helping you improve. By the top pally casting 10 more flash of lights than u shows that you can preform better. Would that matter overall in that raid, nope. Would it matter to a Preformance emphasized guild, yes.

Healing parses don’t matter unless you are raiding in a vacuum with no opportunity for overhealing.

You are correct that your flash doesn’t matter if it was a wipe less run. But I think they were coming from a place of trying to get you to be more competitive.

If you’re not that type of person then that guild(s) wernt for you.

Parses are a tool for growth, you look at it like it’s a bad thing because you are only seeing the one side. It’s your guilds that we’re the problem not the logs.

Find a guild that supports meme specs, find a guild that has the same goals as you: fun.

Don’t intermix with min maxxers. It’s a bad fit for both sides.

Good luck man, keep playing what you love!!

The point is that this is stupid lol. It’s like min maxing how to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich.
Its been solved for LITERALLY YEARS now. But if you aren’t unscrewing that peanut butter jar lid AS SOON as you put your knife down then you aren’t parsing right.

That’s what classic parsing is. Kids making pbj sandwiches but yelling at other kids for not doing it optimally. That looks incredibly dumb lmao

But. It is how they want to play the game. And even if Iit’s dumb its not

Case in point. It’s stupid to you because you are not Preformance focused. You are fun focused. And there is nothing wrong with that. Both are perfectly viable ways to play the game.

Just this. I outlined why already.

Already mentioned too.

No the real fact is that you don’t want to accept that it’s stupid. Its viable, its entirely within their right to do.

But it’s stupid.

This post is 2 years old.

I always wonder how people manage to find these ancient posts.

They use google and they search for the thing they’re upset about and then they post about how they’re also upset agreeing with someone from 1956 as if the conversation is still going on.