Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

I’m rank 7 from doing a couple casual AV’s a week.

Did that for the first time a couple days ago to see if it reduces the amount of trolling that follows me around the forum. Also, the armory doesn’t exist for Classic characters; I saw your amazing enchant on warcraftlogs.

Oh yes, very much so.

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SOP. This is Kane/Kaide. He’s a &%^$ stirrer and drama queen. Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done? to give an example.


I used to tank and I quit when my guild became obsessed with parses. Classic is seriously a terrible game for min maxing because of how much of a pain it is to get your consumables and world buffs. The kicker is the content is not hard at all. You can clear every raid in the game with 20 people if they know what they are doing.


Did it work?

You guys are all falling for this whining again? This guy has been drama since phase 1… No one wants him because he’s drama!

I wouldnt mind the log/parse meta if world buffs were removed from the game. But with world buffs a thing, the combination is pure cancer.

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That’s what started happening in my guild and the officers stamped it out. People weren’t performing their roles in order to parse. I like logs to check where I messed up, can improve, compare myself to other ferals, etc. When it becomes a competition it becomes an issue from everything I’ve seen.

All the officers except me were pushing it. I didn’t like having to remote login at the gym mid workout to get world bluffs for the raid when I got home, not to mention the grinding for consumables. The kicker is no one helped me despite the fact I was the main tank at the time.

That would suck. I get world buffs, but I’m working from home and don’t stress too much. If I get ZG and Ony/Nef I’m good. Alliance that get MC’d for WCB are beyond me. And logging in at remotely? I stopped that when I left Herod over a year ago.

The guilds that raided early had it good because of the cool down on the heads. I knew I had to put in effort as MT but that was ridiculous. I did NOT sign up for that at all.


Looks like you joined the wrong guild. We have a ret paladin in our raid and he’s pretty much fully geared, we only have 1 tho…because meme spec but we do allow one, we also allow one Boomkin. I mean hey…we 1 shot everything in the game, there’s no need to stack Warriors and it will be the same in Naxx.

That’s horrible that you had to deal with that

I feel you as I myself recently left a guild I’ve been with for several years that used to be casual but now it’s a bunch of elitist morons who think they’re doing top notch dps with the logs yet keep ignoring the mechanics that screws them over a lot. I’ve been looking at the comments in this thread here and I must say some of these replies are just plain f*cking toxic as these people are the perfect example to what you’re referring to. This is one of the things that’s causing WoW to bleed profusely and sadly, it’ll keep on going with these toxic arrogant fools running around.

Poor form on the 2yr necro but I can tell you Classic Era is much more comfy. The undesireables mentioned ITT are all too busy RPing as lemmings as they dive off that wotlk cliff.

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We don’t parse or any of that crap. We just want things to go smoothly and if they aren’t then we will try and look at why.

meh. if the necro’ed thread is still accurate and relevant then it’s not poor form, IMO anyhow.

If youre looking for a more solid PVE experience, than FFXIV is your game. WoW at this stage is the PVP MMO. Anyone telling you different is living in the past. People dont even watch worlds first races anymore.

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I’d say the opposite is true: MMORPGs are an awful genre for PvP and anyone choosing WoW of all places to live out that fantasy is the one stuck in the past. Plenty of players enjoy the PvE in Classic WoW without ever knowing who was ‘first’ to clear content created over a decade ago.

PvP was always huge in MMOs. Hell full loot drop PvP came from MMOs and gave birth to the whole survival genre. PvE content in WoW is a joke compared to FFXIV while arenas are still highly competitive and have esport tournaments dedicated to them so no. Everything you said was wrong and you’re living in the pst.

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You’ll just have to agree to disagree. ‘Competitive’ MMORPG PvP is a total joke.