Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

lol Wow okay cool man, if topping parses because you stacked buffs in a 15 year old outdated MMO where most people aren’t even bothering makes you feel good when you go to bed at night, do you. Congratulations, you took what’s currently the lowest bar in MMOs and lifted it a milometer. Go you!


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that is comparing passive things that are permanent to active things that are temporary. Not really a valid comparison.

You get gear, you get it once, consumes and other things are by definition consumed. If I had to farm my gear every week you can bet your butt that I would quit playing,.

This post really feels like a gimme. You’re saying you’re a victim, when the solution is entirely in your hands, and not the fault of others who want to play differently than you. There are plenty of guilds that take ret pallys who put in time and effort to be good players, but to post this, and make it seem like the entire community has changed for the worse is misleading. The same kind of sentiment is used for other things time and time again and unfortunately works, to the detriment of the game.

“Can Blizzard give us an easier raid version I don’t have time to commit to serious raiding and I pay 15$ I should get to see the content…”

While your post isn’t asking blizzard to change anything your post ignores the fact that you have the freedom to find a new guild or group of players that welcome you. That’s on YOU. But don’t come here and complain about your guild wanting to do better at what they like to do and you not fitting into that equation. They have the freedom to do that.

Plenty of people do bring characters in greens to raids. Hell we’ve even been bringing sub 60 alts to raids…

Right? Our biggest concern isn’t dps, it’s retention at this point. Things that reduce retention are a bigger concern than speed runs.

Retention is an issue no matter what requirements you are facing. Guilds with max effort attract other people that put in max effort, guilds with minimum will attract those looking to put in the minimum. We will all probably clear the content eventually, our max effort raids just might do it a few weeks earlier and have an easier time of retaining people because of that. Every raid is free to set whatever bar they want to, and there is a group out there for practically everyone. Complaining about “parse culture” is just silly to me, because parse culture is what proved this game to be so laughably easy. If you want to be in a group that doesn’t world buff or consume, I guarantee you will find one! But saying that other people wanting to do the best they can is ruining the game for you is just selfish. You want other people to lower their standards of fun so that you can have an easier time of having fun. Just go find a group with the same definition of fun and you will be just fine

Except it doesn’t just stay isolated, it spreads like a plague, especially since the people who parse, can’t parse unless everyone does what they are doing. So suddenly there is resentment within a guild. Then you go to a forum to talk about your hobby and “parsers” call you lazy, or bad guild mates, or less worthy of being a member of the guild just because you don’t want to min/max.

Note, it is that you are bad, not that they are going above and beyond. So now you can’t enjoy what should be a shared space because you can’t go anywhere without parsers calling you bad, and not just bad players, but morally bad people.

So yeah, I have a problem with parses because it directs the focus away from guild and group/personal improvement within an individual situation towards comparison with everyone in the world. It gets tiring hearing people constantly complain that our kill times aren’t fast enough for them to parse. We clear BWL in a little over an Hour. The non stop complaining that they didn’t get their 99 that week makes it so I don’t even want to raid anymore.

Don’t even get me started on what happens when a wipe occurs and we lose world buffs. I actually look forward to dying so that I have legitimate reasons to not participate in the rat race.


You’re dumb af. If you think vanilla is anything like classic you haven’t been paying attention.

Huhuran is basically Ebonroc (or whichever drake does flame buffet). People are killing Ebonroc in a minute or less, even without the FR buff. Huhuran is going to fall over.

Wanna another fact? The DPS required to kill Patchwerk is in the 300 range, and people are doing that in blue gear. Quit living in a fantasy land that AQ and Naxx are going to be hard.

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And plenty of greens are still great pieces to wear in raids until a something great drops.

Thanks for the congratulations, glad my hard work is paying off.

As far as it being an old game, thats the point of my mentality, it wouldnt matter, id still no matter what game try to perform in the best possible way i can. No matter the game or date it was out.

You hit the nail on the head here. The problem with world buffs and parsing culture has nothing to do with top tryhard guilds where everyone is on the same page about going sweaty to push numbers on easy content. The problem comes with the residual effect this has on semi-casual guilds (which make up the majority of the raiding playerbase) who are trying to emulate the top guilds while only going 70% of the way there. There are guilds that bring ret paladins to their raid and don’t plan out their debuff slots, yet reeee at their top-5 rogues for missing a world buff or using a slightly cheaper enchant. Many players in these guilds are objectively bad at basic game mechanics, yet the focus of the guild is on gathering buffs to parse rather than improving their execution of the trash and boss mechanics.

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rofl @ you not understanding math :slight_smile: You are right, this stuff is gunna be super easy. Cause people use consumes and world buffs. And Flamegore’s frenzy is dispellable, Huhurans enrage that happens @ 30% is not and does far more damage. You are going to be faced with that damage for whatever time period the 30% to 0 is. Parse culture turned this in to easy mode, not some heightened ability to handle mechanics. To reiterate, people are just as cruddy as they were at handling these fight’s mechanics the only difference between now and then is people using consumes and world buffs to cheese said mechanics.

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My guilds kill times are trash, yet my parses are still solid, because i put in the extra effort.

Now if youre killing nef in 8 minutes then yea, it wouldnt matter what you used, the kill time is ruining your parse.

We have a 3m nef kill, and i can still pink parse on him for example simply because i come prepared. Odds are if your guild is decent, you can still parse by putting in the extra effort.

The issue is from people who dont want to put in the extra mile and then have slow kill times, those people wont parse well, but odds are their guild is pretty casual, and thats ok if thats how they choose to play.

Not really, people play this and retail, and every fight in retail has been far harder than these old raids for a very very long time.

I say make vanilla raids mythic difficulty, make the legends true.

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Yeah and Rag isn’t going to be killed week 1 and Nefarian is impossible without shadow protection potions.

No, it’s going to be stupid easy because vanilla is easy. People back then didn’t know wtf they were doing, proven by the fact that so many people even failed to kill Patchwerk lol. Back in vanilla killing Rag before submerge was almost unheard of, now people in bad gear can do it because of better optimization.


I do think stuff is alot easier.

I still think there will be certain fights where a lot of the casual guilds will struggle, starting in AQ.

what the druid says is true and i think it will be applicable to a lot of guilds in phases 5 and 6. min maxing makes the game easier and more exciting, it also makes raids go by massively faster if you know what you’re doing. its somewhat irrelevant right now, but I will for sure love the fact that I can clear AQ and BWL in 3 hours or less and spend another night of the week raiding on my alt. Lots of guilds won’t have this luxury. Some of them will fail completely at some point in phase 5 or 6.

viscidus will be a good example. Does your 40man core care enough to farm frost weapons, NR gear or elixirs of poison res, and goblin sappers? If not, you won’t get a kill, try as you might while screaming at your computer “THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EASY!!!”


A boss having an arbitrary requirement to kill it doesn’t mean it’s hard lol. If we went by that logic then 4 horsemen is the hardest boss ever since you supposedly need 8 tanks.

Thanks for necroing this thread… :roll_eyes:

Numbermania is dumb in BfA, but at least it’s somewhat justified in more difficult content. It’s straight up braindead in Classic, nothing in Vanilla calls for it.

For me the point of Classic was to have a version of WoW to play that compared to BfA is more sane, if slower. Unfortunately the greater bulk of the community has seen it fit to import some of BfA’s madness.