Why only new lgbt characters?

Also hello to anyone who bumps this in 4023. I hope you’ll are doing well and won’t be fighting over nonsense like we are.


True, but even if you don’t like the story, the character is already contributing something to the game as a game, it’s not just something to show off.

WoW has a tendency to put good characters and then throw them in the bag of oblivion, so I get the point, it would be great if there was more continuity of one or more characters.

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Wtf is the point of even answering this?

There will be just another “make the world bend over backwards becaue I want to be special” post tomorrow.

Everyone does it here, sdoesnt matter who it is or the subject LoL.

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can we get some truly 10 yr old posts dug up lets set a record and make sure its about the cringiest thing going on in that time.

Some people are just pathetic.

Again, no, that is not my intention, being gay or any other category in lgbt+ is not political, nor a political agenda. Make it visible in search of acceptance and normalization in a society that sees them or saw them badly in search of changing that society towards something healthier is.

Sure, but conservatives definitely believe the mere existence of minority groups is political to be fair, even if the existence is subtle.

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technically every social group regardless of its size is political, but politics is not bad in itself.

:thinking: although perhaps I am missing some subtlety associated with North America.

I once recall seeing a pregnancy request thread and the OP was going off about buffs/debuffs and how it would be a good learning experience to people in the game. I miss posters like that that genuinely made ppl laugh :cry:

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Oh god I remember that one.

This place horrifies me sometimes.


Except for the fact that the past two elections have seen more minorities voting Republican each time.

Not going to lie, everything you have been saying sounds like something coming from a super far left person that has never stepped out from their white flight suburb bubble.


It’s a Necro troll the discussion ended 2 years ago on this guy’s…

Umm the OP simply asked where they could find the locations of any LBGTQ NPC’s. Nothing perverted about that, they didn’t bring up anything about physical features like your analogy did.

Your comparing apples and oranges.

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Its a necro thread. I deleted my reply but my point still stands. Go away with your fake outrage. We know the real reason why the OP asked this question.

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Two years ago. A troll necrose this from two years ago. Mute and move on people xD


Your point never stood. It seems like you believe lgbtq people are in general perverts, and hence twisted your analogy.

If you were to simply ask for the locations of straight NPC’s, no one would say that was perverted. But for some reason you had too add in big breasted to try and make your analogy work.

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/yawn…go away. Go find something legitimate to whine about. /ignored.

Lol, what a joke

I’m also curious where the tig bitty str8 girls are.