Why only new lgbt characters?

Yes but they are in a monogamous male/male relationship rn

All the lgbt friendly guilds you see posted in trade.

Nobody cared about inclusion previously. Now they are adding it for good boy points or something.

Need to make it clear they still do not actually care. Very few people do. But you gotta add this stuff in or game journalists will give bad reviews and rioters might burn your business down.


Who did you have in mind from the core game?

I believe Blizzard is doing more important things with their time machine.

sadly the reason is chinese censorship. they have to restrict it to side characters because by not putting it in the limelight they can just remove it in other countries with nothing lost

why don’t you mind your own business. A persons sexual preference is their private business. Just because they don’t show it off for your entertainment means nothing.

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We needed another thread like this
In case you aren’t aware they are started daily

Because game journalism is known for their stellar game reviews. /s :slight_smile: :woozy_face: :laughing: :crazy_face:

…Does that ever happened with a video game studio/company? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

His name, was Bud. He was a happy lad, but sadly, he didn’t have a full marble bag. We were sent to investigate the waters off Stormwinds shore, where he saw something shiny in the water. He announced “I’m Saaaailllling”, and jumped off the ship. Perhaps if you dive there, you might find him.

no, unfrotunately youre correct. every SINGLE main character in wow is a heterosexual. every single one. its awful. all the dragon aspect have heterosexual consorts, malfurion, tyrande, jaina, sylvanas the list goes on and on and…on. its one of the things i hate most about wow lore, they pretened gay ppl dont exist the last 30 years, and only just started putting in a few minor side quests with gay npcs (tiny token offering) and pelagos. they need to do so much better.

Not the necro…


There are.

There are TONS of them, even from Vanilla.

Think of how many individual NPCs there are … of which, you don’t know ANYTHING about them. Why is it you think that none of them are in that community? Or some other “marginalized” group?

Sounds like a “you” problem.

But since we’re all here, let’s also focus on the bigger issue of those Vanilla NPCs that we don’t know their “marginalized backgrounds”: IT DOESN’T MATTER.


Because they didn’t really have any LGBT push until later expansions.

Remember that WoW is old and LGBT was way less accepted by western society for a very long time and still is in a lot of the world.


they need to make a better game and not care abt being woke




Blizzard should be focused on making a great game not identity politics


Or perhaps it’s about promoting inclusivity. Just because you don’t care, doesn’t mean others don’t….


Here we go