It’s not my take, but sure.
And people wonder why we want btags for the forums
How is this thread still going.
Wait, what? When did this become a thing lol
It’s not a CHOSEN life. It’s who they are.
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i meant warcraft as a whole so almost 30 years since warcraft 1 ( i believe it was mid 90s not sure exact year), and the beginning of the creation of estbalished characters and lore etc.
We got new Blood Elf models.
They were always there - they just didn’t used to talk about it as much as they do now or let it define them. They were just who they were…and their preference was one small facet of that.
Whoever necroed the thread bad necro… bad.
Who cares OMEGALUL I don’t see enough characters fit, with blonde hair and glasses, I’m going to be mad about it…