Hang on I think I’m finally piecing this together. Are you saying that you want upright forsaken in the alliance rather than in the horde? in the future, please try to be more clear and your description of what you are asking so that so many people aren’t absolutely confused by the gibberish I just had to decipher.
You still have my support man, I knew what you were talking about right away because that model is actually pretty iconic looking. Unfortunately we don’t ever see them in any other gear so what the rest of their bodies look like and how things fit on them would be different than how I see them in my mind now. Lol
I just can’t imagine them in old low res gear. Mind you we also have bikinis and no pants options too.
Since we weren’t given Evoker and Earthen DKs, since lore wise we don’t find them until after SL and Arthas couldn’t stumble upon them to rez them like that one Pandarian back in Legion, we’re owed a new Undead race.
Unless, Blizz is just thinking that undead skin for the elves is good enough since they can be made for both factions.
Thank you.
I think the written word maybe a 2nd language? IDK, but I didn’t understand it either and I read it 5x.
That’s what was trying to be conveyed? FASCINATING.
Damn. It’s stupid simple. You didn’t understand that? XD I feel sorry for you. xD
In need a Geordi meme in here…
If we get an undead adjacent allied race it should be the San’layn. People have been asking for them since BFA
this is doubtful because they essentially made it an Elf Customization.
How come i can’t get normal people like you in my forums? Ur okay man and yes, that would be great. now THAT"S a great idea. YOU SIR have my upvote.
Those are Dark Rangers. Totally different kind of undead elf.
Since WotLK, actually.
But you people are boring, in my opinion. So many want to stick with the rote and trite fantasies (“squeaky clean and light-based races ONLY for the Alliance” and “dark, horrendously evil races ONLY for the Horde”). BORING!
Tongue-in-cheek moment aside, I’m serious about buckling the stereotypes. That’s literally the point of WarCraft 3! That’s literally the point of Vanilla through WotLK!
Bring on the Light-infused undead… and make them Horde ONLY.
Double down on the evil void-y implications that’s going on with the Void Elves.
Make WoW unique compared to the 9,999+ fantasy games out there.
Not until 7 posts later from someone who actually linked a photo. Most people like to forget Shadowlands exists, so no one is going to much remember some rando NPCs from one zone that sucked anyway.
That model has no detail, no real face to it, nada.
But… I don’t know of a rumor of a Light-Infused Undead Allied Race, so…
You couldn’t look it up?
Please no. No Light undead, period. Calia is enough of a joke already we don’t need any more. Hell, could we get rid of her too?
Awe dude, I was thinking the same thing.
I’ve been down with that idea ever since i saw the megathread about them some years back. The custom art and models that people did look amazing.