Why No Uncanny Combatant's 1h STR weapons?

So there seems to be an item missing from the list of craftables… 1H STR weapons. Got 1h Agi and Int weapons, but no STR. Blizzard, are you trying to force me to be unholy forever cause that’s not fair…

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Yeah I went to craft one for my Prot spec but I saw the Uncanny Cutlass was a Agi weapon. Not good because there is no other 1-h Str weapon in the Uncanny set.

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Something Blizz overlooked. Not much can be done. Sorry. :frowning:

Somehow I doubt it was overlooked. The cutlasses have been strength this whole expansion. I would wager that this was so that DHsat least get a craftable weapon. They should have just made either a separate agility sword, warglaves, or fist weapons.