Why No Glyphs?

Still waiting on the last few Allied races and more than a few heritage armors… :frowning:

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I’m OK with that. I think any cosmetic additions are good.

They killed glyphs when they decided to make them all cosmetic, and not have any gameplay effects. I understand the reasoning, but I still don’t like it much.

Anyway, Blizz just doesn’t seem to like Inscription, so they keep taking things away from it.

I just wish they would organize the profession tab better, like they do for pets.


Wow, I completely forgot about that. It was really nice come to think of it.

I don’t see why we can’t have a glyph that splits our spell like Glyph of Shadow Bolt, while still only hitting the target one time. It’d just be a visual change with no practical differences.


Blizz ran out of innovation expansions ago. Now days it’s just copy and paste, do the least amount of work possible at the cheapest price. That’s why we don’t get class reworks, tons of systems to cover up classes and an exorbitant amount of time between patches.

I always enjoyed glyphs. I thought it was an efficient way of making your character unique. I think they should be just like changing colors of spells or pets and the like, and not have an effect on the gameplay.

But then blizz would have to be creative, and let’s be honest, they don’t have it anymore. For example: next tier sets. They just used the legendary sets instead of making new ones.

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No no

Glyphs are fun, and not locked behind a grind.

Therefore you cannot have them


It blows my mind that glyphs are left by the wayside. These are tools that could be massively expanded on for players to customize how they want their class to feel. You want your Demo Warlock to be more Necromancery? Glyph to change Demons to Undead. Simple model swaps.

People want new skills to look like old skills or sound different have different colors. There’s no reason for this system to be so bare-bones. Why does my judgement throw a hammer? Why can’t I have a glyph that gives me the old Judgement Animation? Why can’t I turn Final Verdict into a sword.

It’s silly.


Rest assured that if they could get away with the recolors on gear, they would.

As in, the gear isn’t even a new design it just refuses an old model.

They’re so busy putting in systems that they don’t put sauce on the steak.


Remember what the devs said “no new customizations coming to Shadowlands”.

Why design a profession around a power system when you can create a grindy system to keep players playing longer?

Err actually that NPC no longer exists. Thanks anyway though :slight_smile:

That’s not an NPC.

It’s an item you buy from the AH.

Mark of the Doe is the name.

You buy it, you use it, and then you unlock that form. Once you unlock it, you can choose your travel form from the Barbershop.

It’s also Account-wide, so you only need to do it once. Then all your Druids in your account will be able to pick the Doe Travel Form in the Barbershop.

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Ahhh ok now I see. I was trying to find that NPC for a bit xD. You da MVP.

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Who let the dogs out? Nobody…cause Blizz took away glyph of stampede…

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Ever since glyphs were changed to be cosmetics they been ignored heavily, Legion barely got any…then they stopped putting resources to it.

…cue the ASPCA ad sad music

Crud, I can’t even link it. Glyph of Safe Fall.


Wow back at when classes were fun and they really brought you the whole fantasy spec to you.

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The game reached the point where they needed to slim down. The talent trees we had in WOTLK were huge and then you had Glyphs on-top of it. They stopped with the whole talent tree stuff and switched over to borrowed power systems to reduce the “button bloat” syndrome of the game.

These borrowed power systems take significantly more effort/time/etc. to actually create compared to just “new expansion, have a new talent row”.

Inscription has been hit particularly hard, but professions are in a bad state in general. Everything other than alchemy and engineering seem kinda pointless, and most of the things you’d want from those two can be bought off the AH.

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Oh I’m fine with glyphs not being related to ability power anymore.

But there’s zero reason why they can’t put out more cosmetic glyphs.