Why "Metal" Writing is worst type of writing

If that’s the case, then they did a horrible job with it… or maybe they intentionally tried to infuriate Night Elf fans

I think the opposite. The writers wrote the Night Elves as being a force that could handle the Horde more than the Horde could handle the Night Elves, and even wrote the Night Elves as almost winning.

And still made it as bad as possible with things like

  • Not getting any justice, not even putting a scar onto Nathanos and then written to forgive the Horde without dealing a single blow to them
  • Almost all of their civilian population dead and in the maw forever, there are probably no families left that weren’t torn apart by this and having those civilians suffer in the maw forever doesn’t make anything better, not sure what they were thinking
  • The Night Elves not even getting all of their land back, only Darkshore - rewarding the horde with land for killing and torturing innocents
  • None of this being addressed or acknowledged by the rest of the Horde or the rest of the Alliance, making it seem like they just want us to forget it happened
  • the lack of any remorse or amends from the side of the horde


I don’t disagree with you on those points. Except I in no way believe the victims of Teldrassil will be in the Maw forever. You can believe that if you want.

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I mean I wish I could still be optimistic about things like that, but every time I was Blizzard went into the opposite direction. When I thought it would go uphill, it only went further downhill. I don’t want it to happen obviously, but I also don’t believe that anything positive can come out of Shadowlands after what I’ve seen in BfA, how they mishandled the revenge patch and literally everything that came after Teldrassil.
They couldn’t even be bothered to get the peace right by atleast having the Horde show some signs of change and give the Night Elves ashenvale back as a start, so I really don’t expect anything from them when it comes to the Night Elves other than more tragedy. They somehow think that the only thing Night Elves stand for is tragedy.

I do not see things the same way as you, in that I do see Night Elves getting positive things among all the bad, and I believe Night Elves will get more positive things going forward.

That said, I don’t disagree with your worry that more negative things can happen to the Night Elves. Blizzard can indeed very easily add worse things along with the good, or just fumble their attempts to do good.


With N’Zoth leaving a Blueprint behind in the Forge of Origination some in General Discussion(Selosse namely) want Azeroth to be Re-Originated by the Twilight’s Hammer while we and Azeroth’s Greatest Heroes(including Thrall, Rexxar, Alleria, Turalyon, Umbric and Matthias Shaw) are in the Shadowlands.

The Stasis Quo would be changed by such an event surely(more than Cataclysm changed it)! Azeroth forever Void-scarred while millions are dead and the leaderless N’Zoth-aligned Cults are soon to be purged from their special paradise by the Players!

It has variety, but tonal shifts really only work when the writers know what they’re doing and when to incorporate one… or understand just how grave something is. Sure, it can be a strength for WoW, I guess… when it works. Which is rare if ever.

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The events leading up to the Sha of Doubt breaking free is the only example that comes to mind immediately.


I can’t speak to where you’re coming from, but would you agree to this?:

Paladins would be fine if they wrote them (and in-game made it possible for them to function) as proper hybrids. Originally created to bolster the weaker races of the Alliance when faced with races who clearly outclassed them in brute strength and hard constitutions, devotion aura in WC3 was a great example of their unique character. When they’re not portrayed as “Warriors+” or “Priests+” but some form of compromise, made for the sake of their compatriots, there is something unique and valuable being offered, but that doesn’t go over the top.

Of course I know this won’t come to pass because a support role isn’t sexy in the YA style of writing where the heroes always solo the villains, or in-game due to min/maxing - nobody wants a class (in game) that is an inferior dps or inferior healer.

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