Why isn't there a glyph to make divine steed look ghostly and cool?

Exactly. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :grin:


This is the stupidest argument out there. " we are getting x so just screw everything"

Usually followed by “who cares about the lore or world building”

I do agree, but blizz is on the “screw everything” department since calia, and doubled down by making npc’s races being paladins dispite lore saying they are not compatible with it.

Oh… and let’s not forget a certain npc DK using the light in legion.

Heck, even paladin npc’s fight differently then player charecters, leaping around and such, never using judgement, etc, etc.

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Yeah. I always had a problem with that npc DK being able to utilize the Light. It should have gone two ways…

  1. The moment he would try to use it, he would be burned from the inside or in agonizing pain.

  2. Because he was a paladin and part of the Holy Light (an elite warrior and individual), it should have been impossible to turn him into a DK in the first place.

Just my take.

That is one dk sure, but i am referencing whitemane still using the light when she became a DK.

Ahhh. There was also another DK named Sir Zeliak, not in lore but created for the game, who was previously a paladin then was resurrected as a DK who could still use the Light. I didn’t know about Whitemane.

That being stated, my reasoning would still apply to both of them.

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Glyph of the Trusted Steed - Your Divine Steed uses a random appearance from your selected favorite mounts.


I would like that; I’ve had the same idea for a while. But for something like that, I’d also want to see character specific favorite mount lists. Though I’d also like to see character specific favorite mount lists, regardless of if we get a fun glyph or not.

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I like this idea. The first ground mount we get, Summon Warhorse, is a regular horse. The second one, Summon Charger, is a dead horse that we redeem. You can see the difference if you look closely at their (admittedly low-res) eyes. Steed Charge as well, the D3 ability that inspired Divine Steed, is a “celestial war horse.” This isn’t asking for fel graphics or anything silly like that, it’s part of the lore.

But really we should ask for an updated human / blood elf Charger—that any race can use, with various color schemes—instead of a glyph. And I think the graphic should be understated rather than fully transparent like Dead Blanchy. A good time to add this would be whenever all races get access to paladin, and it could even be a quest like warlock green fire. WoW could use more moments like these rather than whatever the anniversary event was (the tier 2 updates were awesome but the event surrounding them was lame).

Why not, it’s cosmetic and not hurting anyone, if they can waste time with player housing they definitely could add some more cosmetic options to glyphs.