Why is WoW turning into a Korean MMO?

I played BDO and the grind their actually felt like meaningful progression. WoW does not.


Then don’t grind or stop playing ? I don’t know what your point is.

Again I don’t get your point. If that is all you want to do in the game and you don’t consider it not a grind then just do that. WoD had all that as well and people said no content.

However, classic isn’t part of this game and blizzard better not be relying on people to go play classic if they don’t have enough content because to some people that is the most boring snoozefest ever.

y’all realize that they use tedium because actual challenge proved to much for most of you.


I think they use tedium to replace RNG as well. I always preferred RNG myself.

I think they added RNG on top of tedium as an additional anchor on progression.

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I guess the question then is, “Why do you play WoW”? To me, WoW is more than just progression. It’s just playing the game. I enjoy just performing a role in a group. Preferably 5 man content. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember. TBC was the highlight for me with heroic dungeons. I really found a niche for myself within the game and it has always been enough to keep me entertained. The grinds within the game may change. Class mechanics change. All the various currencies and reward structures change, but the group dynamic has always been appealing.

If you’re not getting something out of the game beyond, “Muh progression” then yeah, I can see how it doesn’t feel very rewarding.

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The problem is not the grind for gear/gold, but the grind for your character to be semi-playable thanks to essences/azerite/stats/traits all playing a big part in how your character plays. In short, you don’t get to experiment the peak of your class design unless you’re decked with all the right parallel progression systems. And the worse of it, is that most of it is timegated.

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And sadly how Blizzard creates new content. Grind AP. Grind the cloak upgrades. Grind new faction reps. And don’t dare get behind, make sure you log on every day to grind because you don’t want to fall behind so grind, grind, grind.

People thought MoP was a grind. It was a stroll in the park compared to this.


I play mainly to PvP which now requires me to PvE grind to be on par with the people I’m playing against. Long gone are the days of PvP vendors and no AP/Essence grind.

You know, I can’t blame the PvP community for being disappointed. I used to like doing BGs back in the day as a supplementary way to get gear. It’s just garbage tier now. You’re right. I feel the same about arena. You basically have to PvE to get your foot in the door. It sucks.

I think people overuse the term Korean MMO and forget the bit parts of a Korean MMO are

  • Upgrading Gear that has a chance to be destroyed thus requiring paid items or extensive grinding to overcome.
  • Lackluster character customization available in-game that pushes people into buying cosmetic options as none are available.
  • Zero depth to any PvE content and the sole purpose of PvE to mindlessly grind large packs of enemies
  • PvP endgames that usually just test who has paid for better gear mentioned above.

Essences suck, but we are still nowhere close to something like BDO or Archeage.

And that’s part of the reason why WoW will never get better. People have to demand for better from Blizzard or just stop giving them money blindly

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I didn’t mind the grinding when I could do it my way and it was reasonable. Put on a tabard, do a bunch of dungeons on a lazy weekend in wrath, get a mount. What was wrong with that? Or what about the BC grinds: sit in an ogre cave and kill ogres for a few hours. Didn’t mind that.

Instead I have to do all these timegated story quests with vehicles and “fun” little minigames that I really just don’t give a crap about. I mean seriously, I took one look at Jumpin jellies and said nope, not for me. Never mind the stupid little kid quests by the turtles that no one likes. Why don’t they just make a phone game or 10 dollar crappy STEAM game if they want to pedal crap to 60 year old women in flower hats.


Progression is the biggest reason I enjoy PvE-focused MMORPGs.

If the progression feels lackluster, I’ll go play FPS games for my skill check day-to-day gameplay.

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Classic’s 10x worse with grind

What you do, what you’re trying to achieve or level would take 7 or 8 hours whereas with retail is highly minimal.

Grinding much nevertheless

A lot of folks do not mind grinding when the item, rep, etc. keeps its value longer then a patch or expansion.


To be able to gem slot corrupted gear you have to reach the end of Titanic research tree as far as I know.

I don’t think most of the posters in this thread have actually played a Korean MMO


Lineage eventually nerfed its grind but recommend folks to try that out.

That’s exactly why I won’t be grinding the Legendary Cloak. I’m tired of one xpacs new items being only for that xpac. I want gear I can take with me from xpac to xpac especially if it’s Legendary or the Legion weapons.

I’ll grind out the backpack mog and then only do the Legendary cloak if I’m bored. Not worth grinding if in 9.0 I dump it for something new and stronger.

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