Why is Valeera on the Horde?

So I know nothing about Shadowlands story but I do know she gives the Horde the pre-patch quest. What’s up with that? Doesn’t the Horde know she works for Alliance interests?


Valeera is a free-agent, doing what’s in the best interest of Azeroth and general and will work freely with both factions.


The Horde has no characters (because Blizzard kills them and never replaces them) so Blizzard keeps giving us Alliance npcs.
And Valeera is no free-agent. She’s a retainer of House Wrynn.


Wasnt this resolved already? She is not there for the Horde. If anything she is there because Anduin was kidnapped.

Valeera isn’t a member of the Horde or alliance. Her she is loyal to house Wyrnn only and sometimes acts as a go between for the two factions. Beyond that she’s a free agent.


Being loyal to king of the Alliance makes you anything but a free-agent lmao.


Didn’t she fight the horde in Varian’s comic?


as we watch terminally online players wonder why they can’t kill the blood elf in skimpy clothing


Maybe this means she will be the Horde liaison during an Alliance Civil War on Anduin’s side. Or the Wrynn side.

Or maybe Anduin goes on an excellent adventure with Locus Walker, and with no Wrynns around, she fights for Silvermoon against the Void and Alleria, until Anduin comes back to make everything better.


The blood elf in skimpy clothing is just another fantasy fulfillment character for thirsty dudes that insert themselves into the universe as human males. Just like Alleria & Turalyonm, Rhonin & Vereesa, and Sylvanas & Nathanos. The hoomans gotta get those hawt elf chicks.
Just waiting for Lady Liadrin to start dating some human paladin.


Valeera has been the Horde and Alliance’s go-between letter-deliverer person for a few years (IRL years) now, this is nothing new for her.

I don’t think so, unless you’re counting the gladiator matches but those are a pretty far cry from actual military warfare. Otherwise she fought Onyxia and Twilight Cultists.


I wasn’t, though she did state that “she would never.” I just don’t remember varian’s comic too well off hand.

I don’t really either.
I think the only actual Alliance/Horde conflict in them was when Broll and Varian spent one issue in Warsong Gulch on their way to Teldrassil. Valeera wasn’t with them then though.

Same reason Calia is I suppose.

Rather than giving opportunities for actual Horde characters to see growth and development, they chose the most Alliance themed Undead in existence and the most Alliance Allied BE in existence and were like “meh, Horde enough”. Those two are really within their writing comfort zone.


All I know is that seeing her face asking me to do things makes me want to turn down the quest.


She seems to be delivering news of the Alliance’s experience with the ghouls and Sylvanas’ minions to Lor’themar, thus acting as a liason between the factions. I suppose she makes sense in that role, in that she’s far less likely to cause any further friction between the factions than any other Alliance-leaning characters who could fulfill that function, and most of Orgrimmar isn’t going to look twice at a blood elf dressed in red talking to Lor’themar. If the goal is to share information between the factions without risking a diplomatic incident that could endanger the armistice, she’s a sensible choice.


This is a total crock. She is loyal house Wyrnn which basically leads the alliance. Being loyal to Wyrnn is the same as being loyal to the Alliance.

As another poster said, they killed so many horde characters they are forced to use alliance ones for horde.


Others have suggested some reasons why Valeera makes some degree of sense as an agent of the Alliance that goes and represents them to the Horde when communication is needed.

i guarantee you that Blizzard wasn’t thinking about any of those reasons when they added her to the game in that role. Seems more likely that an ignorant quest designer assumed that race = faction, went down a list of blood elves, and picked a name.

Same reason we now have Garona and Voss, two characters whose only real connection to the Horde is based on race and the rest of their characterization says the opposite. Just went down lists of orcs and undead and picked names.


Garona I agree with, but at least to Voss’ credit she does at least thematically represent the concept of Forsaken Free Will better than any other character left standing atm. I always assumed that she would probably eventually find her way within their ranks eventually, once her vengeance-spree petered out and if Sylvie (a character Voss did mention she wasn’t fond of) ever left them.

Voss could be turned into a reasonable Forsaken Rep with a little TLC. But the fact that its not her up there (rather than Calia), or the apex Shadow Hunter of the Loa of the Dead Rokhan (rather than Veleera) shows a lot about Blizz’s priorities. If there was ever an expansion to develop these two into great Horde leaders, it would be a death themed expansion … but this is Blizz so … unlikely.


She (L.V.) still shouldn’t have been pushed forward ahead of actual Forsaken characters who have been with the faction since Vanilla.