Why is this game so alt unfriendly?

Korthia matters if you intend on getting the most of out of your conduits.
I’m only working on getting 252’s on my main who is progging mythic SoD. Hence, I have no real reason to grind it on alts, other than for the sake of a blue-bar on armory.

But for groups that are progging, maxing out on gems/conduits does help.

of course, but as you said you have no real reason to grind it on alts, and i would bet that’s true for most people. most GD posters are not doing mythic SoD progression or pushing 25s on multiple characters simultaneously. for those who are, there’s a legitimate gripe.

Bad enough I went from Venthyr to Necro. I have a pally in Bastion that is still doing the questline.

I just don’t feel it. I’m not that dedicated. I’d rather do old lore questlines. Maybe if I felt powerful, but right now I just don’t feel powerful.

It hasn’t reached the fun threshold. Maybe that’s at 260

What toon do you feel is not powerful, enough? Cause I know it’s not on an OP class like DK. I mean what do you want, to solo Mythic Raids? You can pretty much solo any over world content with Korthia gear and I know, I play the the squishy-ist class in the game.

The developers play one way and think that is the only way the game should be played.

Devs: It’s our way or the highway.
Players hit the highway.
Devs: Surprised Pikachu!

Playtime metrics > everything else.

I personally hate the hours of covenant campaign for one. Gear is generous but gear is about 60-70% of a character right now if not less. Also raid catchup would include dom slots, pvp catchup requires pvp gear. Conduits and soulbinds don’t just come with time they come with maw and korthia, and that is a huge drawback, who wants to make an alt to do more maw and korthia?

extreemly alt friendly if you ask me ive geared up a ret pally from fresh to 232 in a week(this week i did nothing though) i only did korthia for the starting gear mostly to upgrade a weapon to 220 used like 15 korthian armaments got a 230 from the ah 3k gold then i finished the campaing in about 4-5hrs did like 1 hr of torghast before i remembered i could of sent soul ash from my main lol got my basic 190 leggo and started to do m+ my group of course, was about 206 starting that, at the end of the week i did about 8 15s and a bunch of other keys of varied levels the climb was pretty easy horde side since theres a ton of ppl there. Oh almost forgot did some spicy pvp at the end for the badge trinket ret pallys can hold their own even without much vers gear so that took like 2hrs. Gearing is easy ppl are just lazy

I just raised my 4th toon to renown level 80 this weekend. For me the worst parts of the game are conduits, and everything to do with companion at the mission table.

Most of my alts are purely for the professions. but I do enjoy doing overworld content with them.