Why is this game so alt unfriendly?

I hated the mission table. The only thing I used my garrisons for was the gladiator’s sanctum.

Do they though? Everyone loves to claim that Blizzard is driven by time played metrics - what better way to boost time played than making an alt-friendly game that encourages people to always be playing on one character or another?

My theory is just that Blizzard is really good at thinking up creative ideas that sound really cool, but phenomenally terrible at actually thinking through and balancing the critical minutiae that make or break whether the idea actually works in practice.

Or to leave old content intact and encourage people to continue to do it?

Didn’t happen.

Here’s what’s happening: there is one and only one right way to play the game. People given options can choose to play the game wrong. Thus options will continue to be removed until players have no choice but to play the game right.

It’s called mudwimping.

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By making it so you have to do mind numbly boring content to be decent at the content you want to actually do. Maybe having to farm 3 different systems on 1 character is more time played, than playing 2 or more character without them.

This is just wrong, your main(s) have the power right now to push any alts you decide to make pretty damn far.

ding 60, buy AH ilvl200 blues and a 230 piece, funnel korthian armaments to said alts, have guild mates speedrun mythic0s or even keys… once you get to LFR requirements… bash that out, both Castle Nathria and Sanctum. easiest conduit and renown farming i’ve ever seen. got my alt resto druid to 67 renown doing this with the addition of dungeons

Legion for me :+1: Farming AP and Legendaries on multiple alts?

I don’t get what people mean when they say it’s alt unfriendly. Honestly.

All you really need is your legendary (which you can get day one), and then you can just go into gearing as normal (and catchup gear is extremely generous).

Conduits and soulbinds and whatnot will come naturally with time.

What else is there to do with a new character?

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People thought the same in the last 2 expansions. I loved how alt friendly Mists was. Why that expansion got so much flak when it did so much right is beyond me.

Since their goal is to leech as much time as possible from us, I bet they really think it was a great idea.

I think Legion had this too with the Artifact power. I think it started from Legion, just that right now they didn’t even care to hide their intentions.

At least it has been like this in my last 3 expansions (which is what I’ve played on release). Add a grind, then make it easier in some patch.

To date, I’ve only leveled and geared my druid and warlock.
I absolutely dread the thought of leveling/gearing another character knowing I have to go thru Maw, then go thru quests/threads again. Ugh… I just want Legion or MoP back.

Isn’t it sad when you actually dread playing another alt, even if it’s 1 thing you have to endure? The game should make you WANT to play more alts… keeping you playing. Not make it so that you do a few things then log off. I know I mentioned Mists before but I would do a bunch on an alt, switch to another and another until I didn’t have any more time to play. That’s what WoW was for me. Now, it’s just a task checklist for a short period. Who knows? Maybe they did this because they’re trying to get kids not to play games all day long?

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No no, it’s this:

The game design lately feels like there is a lot of fear behind it. Blizz hears the content-locusts threaten to leave if there isn’t something to do and they believe it. So everything is grindy as crap because they think that’s the only thing that will keep people around. Blizz has forgotten that alts keep people playing too.

The game as a whole right now is pretty alt friendly. You have renowed catch up, you can buy Korthia gear token with Stygia (randomly drops as well) and pass those tokens to alts. About the only thing left is the rep and currency grind.

That’s why I dont grind on any of my toons. I just get what I can from the content I can do that doesn’t require a score or min/max and I’m ok.

Yeah ill be behind but thats better than burning myself out over something that doesn’t affect my real life.

Sorry but not sorry ion and devs but I have literally no reason to do a mythic raid unless it’s a legacy run.

Should main-swapping for mythic raiding be quick and easy?

Honestly, why not? It would be up to your leader if they need whatever you’re wanting to swap to. If you’re a main healer and want to swap to DPS and there is no space for another DPS, its at your own risk.

I don’t know, it’s not like I do that content anyway.

I just thought mythic raiding was supposed to be all about super-specializing in your chosen class and spec. Which probably takes a while by design.

For lower content, alts are fairly quick to catch up atm in my experience.

Yeah lmao.
I got 5 toons only.
Only my main has 80 renown, completed full campaign and T6 unlocked.

No way on earth i am running Korthia 4 times a day lmao.

I had a toon just hit 50 yesterday… he did the Mall quest to get to 51 (to get some better gear via AH) typed /rude at the three annoying guys after opening the portal and left. SL is just that bad for alts.


you don’t need to. i don’t have rank 6 unlocked on any of my 60s. but I’m missing out on gem sockets! i don’t need them, and neither do 99% of the people complaining here.