Agreed, much prefer the alliance aesthetic.
Would be really interesting to see if cross faction BGs would solve this issue. I feel like it would give Blizzard more control over winrates like they do in Overwatch. I generally feel my OW quick play sessions are much more satisfying overall, because I get to win a healthy bunch, even if there are microstreaks.
Depends if everyone can pull their weight. If you or someone else is a carry, may as well knock one off your team count.
Its working as intended.
Ignore the trolls as they know it is as well.
Not accurate.
Racials became better and the pros who min/max everythign went there as well.
A lot of people followed and a lot quit.
There are other factors as well.
In short, it’s the Horde’s turn to take it in the chops.
I used to play PvP…
Alliance… 13 wins and 53 losses
Horde… 21 wins and 83 losses.
So it never made any difference.
I stopped
I dont lose much on my Alliance toons (shrug).
Once my toon is geared no matter what faction I stay away from BGs.
Back in the day/ TBC, wolk years Horde was lucky if we won 1 out of 10 AV bg’s Same for warsong gulch. But hardly ever lost an Arathi Basin bg. Was funny.
Lorewise, Alliance wins militarily against the Horde. BFA is a testament to that.
The Horde has better individual warriors, but the Alliance has the resources to pool their efforts together in an organized way.
It’s cool it’s reflecting in PUG bgs now. It used to be the opposite.
I’ve heard that the PvPers went Alliance this patch. It normally flip-flops, but you’re right. It feels pretty bad. That’s why I joined a PvP community; I couldn’t take it anymore.