Why is the horde community so toxic to

No, I do not.

I wouldn’t want anyone who plays World of WarCraft to die.

All I’m saying here is that the Alliance sucks and when you play Alliance, that should be your expectation - to suck.

Horde is amazing. When you play Horde, that should be your expectation - to be amazing.

Not sure why you’re trying to put words in my mouth.

If you want to talk about suicide, this is the number to call:


Alliance is only 12 year olds, duh. Where have you been man?

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Grow up. People like you need to stay out of game forums. Way too weak.

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This Goblin gets it.

and we’re saying you have an awfully lofty opinion of yourself despite your bottom-feeder tier ideas.

does he? or is he just your alt?

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It’s like when George Foreman got beat by Muhammad Ali and he responds by saying Ali is “toxic”.

Sorry the Horde keep dominating!

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You decide.

Whatever you find most thrilling is probably the truth, even if it isn’t.

just as vapid as every other post you’ve made here. :+1:t5:

How’s Teldrassil these days?

you put those words in your own mouth by suggesting people view corpsegrinder as how they should feel about their faction. and of course corpsegrinder suggests alliance players kill themselves.

nyuck nyuck how’s undersewer? :roll_eyes:


It’s now a open-air BBQ where we cook Vulpera and Alpacas on :yum:

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he has to realize when he says the actual players need to suffer because of lore in a game, that he could be telling people who really are suffering that they deserve it. now i dunno about you but he seems a bit unhinged.

So, it would be more accurate to say that I endorsed the opinion of someone who encouraged suicide.

That’s true, I suppose, but Blizzard aired that same clip at BlizzCon. 2011, I believe. Can’t remember exactly which year, but I was in the audience. They got a backlash for it, but they still put that interview up on the big screen and let 'er rip.

So, if you’re going to claim I encouraged people to commit suicide, you have to concede that Blizzard has done the exact same thing.

Now you’ve gone too far. You leave Dolly & Dot alone. They’re my best friends!


Too late :yum:

*** Pats tummy ***


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I am legit sad right now.

That was just mean.

Suffer well :wink:



i didnt know about that either until recently, and i was assured repeatedly that blizzard apologized for the whole thing and it was to be taken as good natured ribbing.

honestly, you’ve helped me understand alot of this much better now. since horde is actually the only playable faction, my options have been significantly nerfed. here i thought i had all these races to choose from, but i really don’t, do i?

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