Why is the game dead (for arena)

I think this new system is fun, but even at like peak times LFG is empty save the few 1400 kids trying to get their first 1800. Why?

Is everyone taking a break with the new classic stuff? Seems EU is popping with players. NA feels dead save the same toxic 3100xp back in 2009 lingering lingers.

World bosses
Mini visions


Gotta get them chores done!

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Imagine paying monthly to do online chores weekly.
We’re all suckers.


I think a lot of people just have PUG anxiety and don’t queue if they don’t have teammates on

I’m sure there are plenty of NA willing and wanting to queue but don’t feel like putting themselves thru the LFG wringer

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Don’t forget the people who play both classic and retail:

Normal / Heroic / Mythic Ny’Lotha

Weekly MC/Ony/BWL
Farm gold for more consumables and enchants
Farm faction

For me it’s a combination of two things.

  1. gearing is a pain this expansion
  2. arenas aren’t the most welcoming community. I’m constantly getting flamed for my class. I’m constantly getting flamed for not being high rated. I would like to learn and get better, but being insulted all day is annoying.
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I was very tempted to go DH. But I had all my reps on my warrior maxed out as well as essences unlocked. I was not going to do that again only to be obsolete in a year.

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Why try when you can just pay for carries? I sat in LFG this morning and everyone that I checked on check PVP had all gotten their achievements in 3 days… why bother to play when you can just buy your achievements for few dollars? Then specifically BFA walk around with your 2109 rating or 2408 and look cool! I know sounds bitter but man I used to love arena now … it’s a scumbag scene

I started one today… lol

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Wow your gear looks crazy good. That’s the highest neck I’ve seen.

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PvE to PvP.
RNG gearing.
Toxic AF community.
Zero tuning passes.
Stale meta.
Boosted players.


This exactly. Whoever has good rng is God. Whoever was high last season is probably high this season from day one getting the best gear and rating fast from start of season. Glass from last season grab high rating day one of new season and get the best gear every week due to this. Spending a life time in pve to get gear for most others

Well in truth arena should be more of a side thing. i hate that blizz as been pushing for that arenas to be pvp but as it stands pvp is just dead thanks to blizz doing nothing to help pvp but everything in their power just to make it as trash as it can be! Like they have made an art out of making this games pvp so bad.

I’ve had a few arena friends quit this season and I can’t say I blame them. Too much work and luck required to be competitive this season. Farming a random proc chance feels bad, especially when yours has been nerfed into oblivion. I’m only doing what I feel is the bare minimum after the first three weeks of going hardcore on 8.3.

Now I’ll just

Upgrade cloak
Finish Uldum revered
Main/Minor assaults
Carapace heroic till I get my weapon.
PVP cap
M+15 1x

Which is a helluva lot less than the previous weeks.


gee I dunno
projecting much or

Mission table
Essence grinds
World quests
Profession quests
Expulsom farming

haha friends