Why is the cost to upgrade heroic gear setup like this?

Aside from the fact that the 5th and 6th heroic upgrade requires Aspects to force players to do mythic +6 dungeons, What is the harm to allow players upgrade their gear using the crest in that level not a step up? If you can answer that great, if not I can understand.

The thing you seem to be misunderstanding is that the gear is upgradeable to the ceilings we can reach. But the last couple few ranks are meant to incentivize you to go into higher content. If you don’t, then you hit your ceiling and you can work much slower towards a higher one.

More than that, I think it’s meant so people who were going to move on to harder content anyway can get some extra use out of their lower level gear, as kind of a bad luck protection.

It’s an unfortunate side effect that people who have no intention or interest in harder content see the remaining upgrades on their gear and think “wait why can’t i finish upgrading my gear.” When people see the 4/6 they’re going to want to max it. but eg. Normal shouldn’t give heroic ilvl by default, that’s why we have different levels of crests. I guess no system can be perfect.

I like to think of it as an incentive. :slight_smile:

If you upgrade it into the levels of mythic gear it uses the mythic currency. They weren’t originally upgradeable at all, if you want to go above the level that heroic loot drops you use the crests from mythic difficulty.

I certainly hope more players see it as in incentive and not a failure of design like this thread :sweat_smile:

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I know me and my friends do! I hope others do, too. lol

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You’re thinking of it as “The last two heroic upgrades require mythic crests” whereas it’s more like “Heroic now bridges into mythic ilvl which require mythic upgrades”

Before we had the crest system system we had a 13 ilvl disparity between heroic and mythic, now we have a 6 ilvl disparity but to meet it you have to engage with Mythic level content.

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You still haven’t stated any harm that could come by having Wyrm’s Crest upgrade gear all the way for heroic obtained gear. Maybe you rather not answer that or can’t it doesn’t matter.

In the past I used to have a sense to accomplishment once I got all my heroic gear, but now it’s not the same since I’m missing 2 upgrades per item. Anyways it doesn’t matter I’ll take what I’m giving. Have a good one.

But there’s no incentive nor benefit to it.

And you still do. The gear is your ceiling. Maxing the rank number is meaningless.

The upgrade pattern is exactly the same. 6/6 Hero requires 45 Wyrm crests to go to 4/6 Hero and 30 more total Aspect Crests to go 6/6.

Every upgrade step is 15 crests regardless of the item so there is no extra time spent trying to upgrade for the same amount of power. Hero having 2 levels that overlap with the Mythic level equipment is to allow heroic gear to continue to be useful into Mythic, in the event you get the drop on Heroic but haven’t gotten it on Mythic yet. Any crests upgrading a Hero path item will not need to be spent again as in if you get a Myth path item for the same slot after having upgraded it to 6/6 Hero, the upgrade to 2/4 Myth will only cost flightstones.

It is a game desgin choice to have higher level rewards from higher level content. The harm is that it would unequally inflate the item level range of Wyrm crests, or it would cap hero gear at 4 ranks instead of 6. This “problem” exists on every piece of upgradeable gear except explorer, upgrading to the higher ranks uses higher rank crests.

Thank you for your answer and I do see your point. How about we meet in the middle??? What if you change the exchange rate for crests from 90 Wyrm’s Crest to 15 Aspect’s Crest and make it 45 to 15? Do that across the board to all crests. That’s part A. Part B lower the bar to obtain next tier up crests across the board, but with a twist. Here is how:

For LFR players in order to get 15 Drake’s Crest per week, create a quest that requires participating in all 6 events in the game (rift, hunt…etc)

For normal players in order to get 15 Wyrm’s Crest, create a weekly quest that requires completing 8 mythic zero dungeons

For heroic players (my bracket) in order to obtain 15 Aspect Crest, create a weekly quest that requires completing 4 mythic +2 dungeons.

This way players can feel like the bar to reach the next level is high but not too high. I hope you like this idea.

They need to get rid of leveling gear all together, it’s not fun. I don’t like farming countless hrs for mats to upgrade gear. ( So I don’t do it.) :slight_smile:

So you want to go back to pieces staying at the drop level, instead of being able to keep them relevant? No thanks, just don’t upgrade if you prefer.

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:slight_smile: ol, I don’t upgrade, that’s what I said :slight_smile:

Which is fine. Don’t advocate for making gearing worse though.

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Plus 6 is quite easy tbh. Of course it being easy requires a basic understanding of the dungeons and the ability to play your class. Cleary this is something you lack which can be fixed you just have to practice ( The more you keys the easier they become )

Im just saying if your weapon isnt fully upgraded yet thats 100% on you.

Edit. Your gear is super good right now i honestly cannot fathom how you think a plus 6 is hard.