Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

That is a supposition that we may never know for certain. Arthas did allow Uther to rant on, but he cut Jaina off as she tried to reason with him. That is a fact.

Perhaps if we visit an AU Azeroth and revisit the event with specific characters getting gender swaps, we may see if your supposition plays out. It does not seem like a great story for an expac… but Geyarah displays it is not out of the cards.


Arthas wasn’t going to let_anyone_ speak up after being frustrated with Uther’s perceived disloyalty. Hence the “It’s done!” line.

Now of course you’re might try to argue that Blizzard’s sexist because Uther got to speak up first and not Jaina. Except if the lines were swapped, you would then argue Arthas and / or Blizzard is sexist because the former tried to boss Jaina around and basically fired her for insubordination.

Or are you going to cry sexism because Arthas was glad Uther could make it, and not Jaina, even though he had sent Jaina specifically to find and bring Uther to him? Or is it sexist that he sent Jaina at all and should have gone by himself? Or maybe he should have gone with Jaina to find Uther? Or maybe they don’t go looking for Uther and decide to deal the undead on their own? Or maybe only Jaina deals with the undead and Arthas is just there for moral support? Or maybe Arthas should have been named Arthasa and been a woman; and in fact, everyone in this story should just be a woman. That way no ones feelings are hurt in any way.

Except you’ll probably complain about that too.


Since that last post of yours was just garbage hypotheticals, insults, and suppositions with little actual facts to discuss… I will just reply by saying it is not very probable that those events you described would even come to pass to determine a verifiable probability of whether I would complain.

But no money is on the line, so think what you will.


Games are not required to leave you with a warm fuzzy wtf are you babbling about?

Games can be as brutal or dark as they want to be WoW itself is full of dark and brutal settings. Warcraft 3 was not a happy ending game cities fell genocide was everywhere hundreds of thousands were killed in brutal and terrible ways.

If you cant handle that then you are playing the wrong game.

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You’d be surprised how adept most people would be at rationalising such behavior… especially if it was sanctioned by an authority. Experiments have proven that if told to so something by someone in authority there isn’t a line most won’t hesitate to cross.


By that logic, if you don’t want to rebel against another evil warchief you are playing the wrong game.


I think “face” is a better term for what Orcs practice than “honor”. It’s also very much applicable, given the Hun and Samurai influences.

It’s more about the idiosyncrasies of social standing than our modern Western notions of honor (which is much more personal) and can result in a lot of behaviors that seem out and out dishonorable but are acceptable because they allow you to maintain face.

That’s why we often use Huns and Samurai (or their expies) as the archetype for our ‘honorable warrior’ societies in fiction, despite the fact that if you actually look at their actions in most works (and history), they really don’t fit our definitions well at all.

It’s just that most Western audiences aren’t familiar with the concept of face, and “honor” is the closest term we have.


Not to be that guy, but pretty much all of us are also complicit to some degree or another in the exploitation and death of thousands/millions of innocent people. It’s just very easy not to think about it.

I can understand not wanting to be reminded of it in our WoW, as the game has often done a pretty good job of removing us from the terrible, terrible implications of a lot of the terrible things we do in pursuit of loot upgrades. The clumsy way in which its being executed is just a further slap in the face.

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If Blizzard really wanted the Horde and the Orcs to question their ‘honor through battle and war’ mentality they would’ve done in it after the events of Siege of Orgrimmar. This also would’ve been a great time for the Alliance to question themselves about whether they should let the Horde still exist or not since they unquestionably had the upper hand after Varian’s ultimatum to Vol’jin.

Like they had this absolutely PERFECT setup for BOTH factions to undergo some serious introspects and massive mentality changes but did absolutely nothing with it. It’s so insanely disappointing and we’re paying for it now.


“No time for that, we’re going on a time-traveling adventure to fight Garrosh’s daddy issues!”

Seeing a not-destroyed Draenor was cool though. (Which is why the “Yrel went Light-crazy and started converting everyone” nonsense irked me even more. Why can’t this other universe just have a happy ending and we can go back to dealing with all the stupid crap in OUR universe?)


No one is allowed a happy ending in a Crap Sack Multiverse. Ask the Redpath family.


It didn’t have a happy ending though. The Naaru went full Spanish Inquisition and murdered or forcibly converted the Orcs and the excess use of the Light destroyed the environment.

That’s what Fizzer just said. They wish that the AU had been allowed to have a happy ending instead of AU Xe’ra showing up and telling Yrel to go full DEUS VULT.


When it comes to the story blizzards telling I honestly think that they thought more of the horde player base will be on their side for this story I know it’s stupid but that’s the way comes off because at first we didn’t have the option to do anything we just went along with the story to support Sarufang.

now with everything they’ve done they see that they so badly damaged not on The horde player base but everything about The horde with their decisions that I’m not sure they can ever fix it


If you read the book dropped by the Draenei miniboss, they think that it’s the orcs killing all the Primals that sent Draenor’s environment into disarray and caused things to start dying. We also only see Gorgrond, so there’s no telling if Nagrand is fine or not.
There’s also no mention of the Furies at all, who you think would interfere in the whole mess.

The draenei blame the orcs.
The orcs blame the draenei. (Because the Light is totally known for draining the life from things. /s)


It has been hinted to petrify things though, and we did see them just flat out timestop a bunch of orcs eternally.


If what you say its tru,i betcha those guys that enrolled orc expected a normal fantasy proud warrior race guy with a relatvely “normal” concept of honor, so yea not a very good move from blizzard’s part, and it would explain some of the disconnect from the story team and the playerbase, ally and horde, somebody has been reading too much wuxia.


Timetravel to kill everyone involved is the only acceptable solution, must pull the ole switcheroo with another dimensional travel and forget bfa ever happened.

They say the most outspoken people against gay rights are trying to run from the realization that they are gay themselves.

The more you say you hate Saurfang, the more I start to think you ARE Saurfang!

Blizzard’s never really shied away from the Mongol/Samurai influences when it comes to Orcs. Although there’s also the fact that the games’ lore is a collaborative effort that’s been written by who knows how many people over the past 25 years, to say nothing of peoples’ headcanons. So yeah, pinning down an actual consistent code of honor is indeed a bungled mess.