Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

i think i figured it out. Ëlësåna is threeslot. The pandaren character disappeared. No one knew where it went.

These are threeslot threads. I get it now!

Did the scientists behind Project Manhattan know about the aftereffects of irradiation? My understanding was that no one really knew what the bombs would do.

I am not 100% sure i know they knew radation was bad but the damage to DNA maybe not i mean the people that made it thought it might cause an uncontroled reaction to burn the world.

I don’t know who that is but I still appreciate you pushing my threads, even if it’s just useless nonsense every time.

Devolved? We Elves are prettier, more powerful and more intelligent, what do you have again?


In a biological sense i dont think devolving is a thing you always evolve to fit your enviroment.


Saurfang should be cursed by Tyrande and Elune to live forever until he has redeemed himself. Never able to find his honorable death until he makes up for all the lives he has taken. He will continue to grow old and frail but will never die until Elune permits it.

Doomed to live forever guiding the horde to stop them going down the same path again.


If he retained his current age i think that would be a better punishment actully make it achivable given it likely eill take a few hundred years. Then again i am fairly soft on him.


Actually we dumped leaflets on a bunch of cities, including Hiroshima, but they were warnings of general destruction, they did not give a specific name or date as to which cities would be bombed or when. Just a general warning that Japan would be destroyed if it didn’t surrender.

At the same time however, American diplomats were not promising any amnesty for the Emperor, knowing that he would not let his generals surrender if his own personal safety and immunity from prosecution were not granted.

Yep actully i mentioned just after that the pamphlets may have hurt more than helped. But to cut anymore of this short how about we just agree that the US is the most evil thing to ever exist abd has never done anything good for anyone.

Or maybe the bigger pictures of geopolitics aren’t simple matters of black and white hats. That you can’t map simple morality into the acts of nations.


Never said it was black and white droping phsmplets dosent make droping the bombs good.

Arlessa always turns these into WW2 comparisons.
Is world war 2 all you know of history?

The only other plan I know of was a mapped out land invasion, which would have had so many casualties that they started printing Purple Hearts in advance. We only ran out of those a few years ago.

Neither plan was good and neither party was in the right.

Yep no one was right

I have my problems with the US imperialism since WW2 as the next guy but are you trying to equate what the japanese were doing to america?

Of course not, especially when one side continues to debate whether or not one of the worst war crimes of the Pacific Theater happened at all. Neither side had the absolute moral high ground, that’s all.

Might want to think about that glass houses and throwing stones parable a bit.

Parasites devolve in the sense that devolution is when you become a simpler organism. Tapeworms for instance shed all of the body parts they no longer had use for, such as eyes, limbs, etc. things they no longer needed to waste body energy to maintain.

The common mistake is to assume that evolution has a purpose when it’s really just random paint thrown at the wall and it’s whatever sticks that remains in the end.

Several fatal accidents involving bomb cores at the Project gave some very graphic clues. But yes they had rough estimates of how many would die immediately and how many would suffer lingering effects from fallout depending on final yield of the Bomb.

Just to refine those estimates, they used American soldiers as guinea pigs on several tests by having them go to the post blast areas with no protection.