Why is Protadin so weak?

It used to be good and I play every class that can tank yet I find Paladin to be VERY weak when compared to Druid or DK. The self heals are sub-par and the dps is just awful. I love Protadin, I really do but the lackluster performance it gives in BFA is just terrible. What’s wrong with the class being how it was? I feel like it’s bubble and charge and that’s about it… Druid gets a 30% of HP heal with 2 charges every 30 seconds, so does Monk, yet the poor Paladin gets this terrible self heal that just doesn’t even feel like it does anything at all. Don’t even get me started on DK self healing, let alone Warrior. I feel like Paladin is yet again nerfed way too hard because of people crying about their self heals and now it just heals for the same as what it did in Cataclysm or even less.

So you’re asking for Paladin to be unkillable like the other tanks would be.

Not unkillable, no tank really is. But when you play all of the tanks, Paladin used to be quite good in World PVP and even solo questing. Now it feels somewhat gimpy when compared to Druid and Demon Hunter. We all know DH and DK are the favorites and “Paladin has had it’s day” but it’s VERY gimpy now, so much so that the self heals of a Rogue make Paladin tanking self healing redundant.


Prot paladin is busted in dmg, prob the only tank that still pumps compared to guardian.


Prot pally does have one of the most broken pvp talents in the game for raid vs raid wpvp, Luminescence. Depending on how laggy the servers are, a prot pally can end up doing the most amount of healing for an entire raid group.

Monk tank self sustain is the worst in the game, it doesn’t even mitigate dmg all that well.
Since we are talking wpvp, brew is the weakest of all tanks.

I do know for pvp prot paladins were nerfed pretty heavily at start of bfa because of how much dmg and over self and off healing they had.
However with corruptions right now prot pally is a pretty stronger contender atm.

I can agree with Monk to some degree, though they do have a pretty decent amount of self healing. The throughput for active mitigation relies heavily on the Azerite Powers given through gear, which is not good for the class as a whole. Druid certainly does very well, with DH just being near game-breaking.