how is it even an issue? it dies so fast its almost useless unless you ran away from a dk
Look at his posting history and get your answer.
It is a targeting nightmare sometimes. It can also be BoP/Sac’d/Bubbled etc. There are folks saying it can be healed, but I can’t confirm it myself. If this can exist idk why LoH/Ankh can’t exist as well.
It’s a 10min CD so like the other abilities it should be disabled.
You can be CC’d, it can be bubbled it can be smoke bombed, it’s buggy asf, it drops targeting and yu have to manually click it I could go on but you get the point. Anyways wether it’s easy to kill or not is irrelevant as any form of self ress shouldn’t be a thing In rated arena ,if you die you should stay dead. No cd over 5 min is allowed and never has been but this 10 min self ress is the acception?.
My post history is irrelevant to the topic of this thread, go troll elsewhere I’m done with you.
Don’t at me unless your man enough to post on your main. Reverse Uno boy.
Should just be sticks and harsh language imo
aah yeah I forgot about that and i can confirm it can be healed but i never play with another healer. take that out and fix the targeting issue by giving it a big bar and that should solve most issues. It is buggy though with a fire mage that it will pop before cauterize or sometimes during and it shouldnt because it doesnt give you a chance to ice block
What a stupid comparison
I’ve tried healing it, you can’t heal it, your affects just go on the person in the pod.
You can heal it but it only needs to take a certain amount of dmg so u got me there but that doesn’t mute any of the other issues with it.
Idk, I personally just think the Pod is a bit too unsportsmanlike for Arena. That’s just me though and if Blizzard lets it stay, I’ll cope lol. It’s not a huge issue outside the bugs we’ve discussed.
Who needs sticks? Let’s start a mud-wrestling league!
No, i’ve tried it, you heal the person in the pod, not the pod itself.
What is ridiculous is that you spend your CDs to kill the target, then it’s like “surprise, I have a seed!” and you’re out of damage.
If it must remain in arena, then probably give it as much HP as a totem c
My point still stands my friend.
So does mine, It’s really not that good of an ability.
You only took away one Issue with it I brought up, still tons more which you’ve obviously been ignoring because you only attempted to correct one thing. Because you know every other problem with it I stated is true, multiple people in this thread and others have pointed out the same. It’ll be removed in arena in given time you can keep defending your cheat
bruuuhhh seeds are life
None of those things affect the pod, they only affect the player in the pod…