In dungeons the system turns off growl when the hunter enters. Its automatic.
Pet threat is only terrible when the pet needs to take threat off of its owner.
Pets hold threat like a steel trap from tanks with only growl if it’s turned on during group content.
Blueberry is still horrible. But it does hold long enough to melt the mob.
This right here is the problem with blueberry and pet threat.
BM hunters pets do about 60% of the hunters damage, so Growl + Massive damage means massive threat making it hard for tanks to take the mob.
Felgaurd has the same but to lesser extent. Meanwhile blueberry only has its threat ability and almost no damage so it has problems holding mobs.
I think to fix it, Warlocks should have an ability that adds threat to the pet and put it on one of the main abilities.
you’re meant to misdirect the pet to keep it off you, as for holding threat off others nah you get 1 mob taunted and thats it
As a hunter, I turn that ish off unless I am 100% solo.
It’s sooooooooo annoying.
Me on my tank trying to help people kill rares. In comes a pet class. Rip threat, you will be missed.
Threat mechanisms for pets have been garbage since TBC / WoLK. My understanding is too many noobs were pulling agro in raids so they “fixed it” by nerfing pet threat and making the tqunt mechanisms not really raise aggro. Dumb.
congrats, you just described what a “taunt” is. therefore yeah, it works well, however briefly.
the thread isnt really about your pve 5man troubles though… =D
my favorite is when I have a group all grouped up nicely and some absolute king comes running in from the side with their pet and pulls them out of the murder pile. one. by. one.
It’s just very fortunate that it’s really not necessary at all with a modicum of knowledge about crowd control to worry about pet keeping aggro. Typically mobs just die within the time it takes to growl if you know anything about a rotation, or pressing buttons at higher APM than it takes to click them.
I was merely making an amusing observation that pets hold aggro well when it is not necessary but don’t hold it well when it is.
It’s supposed to, but last time I started leveling a new hunter it displayed that growl was off but my pet was still doing it anyway. I had to toggle it on and then off again for it to actually turn off
BM hunter pet threat is less than what it was in past expansions because of Animal Companion.