Why is Pandaria so fun?

My favorite expansion. Quests were well done and the story was continuous while not being deathly important or great champion. Helping the villager here and there and getting to see the bigger things fleshed out with good cinematics. Og monk class was also my favorite as well it was so very detailed with stances and all. And who doesn’t want pretty zones. I guess most people enjoyed hellfire and I’d dungeon until zangar

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Because the tables were turned. In every other expansion, we are the valiant heroes combating evil. In Pandaria, we were the evil. We brought our fight to a neutral, peaceful continent and almost destroyed it with the dark energies we unleashed. For the first time, we got called out as petulant, squabbling children.

Pandaria was the expansion that pulled back on us combating destruction and death and showed us the importance of protecting life.

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Would’ve preferred them making Timeless Isle one of the 8.3 zones. Don’t care if it makes no sense lore-wise. Half of the lore is made up and makes no sense anyway.

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Don’t think its overrated anymore. Most people rank the top 3 as MoP, WotLK, and Legion. By a fairly long way. Folk argue about which is best but those are usually the most popular.

I still miss my farm.

I also liked how Taran Zhu was beyond annoying at first but then he ended up one of my fav characters. He put up a dang good fight against Garrosh

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